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Though Indian legislature rarely fails to keep it up to date to prevent teething troubles regarding the modern techno alteration and vicissitudes in the country, with the unrestrained modernisation and expeditiously increased use of technology, our lives have unquestionably varied a lot. With the incoming of great techno devices from the great modern scientists, along with the benefits, has arrived many complications, which can be prevented and solved if a legislature is made regarding it. This article deals with the same.


For this complication, it would be best to quote Rajeev Dubey, group president, HR & Corporate Services, Mahindra & Mahindra, as reported by India Today – "The growth rate in jobs has distinctly slowed down with significant improvements in automation and productivity…"[1] More and more tasks, nowadays, are being carried out through automated machinery which has led us to a situation where one skilled person with a machine can do the work for which, earlier, one hundred workers were required. Also, it is not possible to ignore the fact that automated machineries has reduced the cost of manufacture, but besides, it has also made thousands, lakhs, or maybe crores of workers unemployed. For example, the internet tycoon – Google, has come up with a driver-less car. Undoubtedly, it is a wonderful invention and one and all would love to ride in a car which works without any human exertion. Nevertheless, if the same becomes a part of the routine of our country, it is to be feared that thousands, or may be lakhs of drivers may lose jobs. Such all kinds of artificial intelligences, are throwing a hallucination in our eyes, and that moment is not be far away when all the major employment posts and opportunities will be occupied by artificial ‘creatures’ and devices. Similar inventions would never leave a vacancy for any human as in contemporary country.

Indeed, the country has advanced enormously with the aid of technology. The efficiency of e-mail systems, online banking, information portals, and many more features of the internet cannot be matched. But, usage of machines which steal the opportunities for human beings is leading our country to a wrong way.


Technology and modern devices cannot be replaced by anything better as they help to enhance the advancement of our state. But, an advanced nation does comprises of least unemployment. I submit there is a strict need to regulate the incoming, usage, practice and propagation of machineries arising out of technology, which are extinguishing employment opportunities belonging to humans, in replacement of robotic devices and artificial intelligence.

It cannot be argued that technological devices do not provide efficiency to a nation. But the contemporary India consists of more unskilled workers than skilled workers. And it would not be good to mimic the developed countries like United States of America, where most of the work depends on technology.  To take an instance of basic example which may or may not be considered as a perfect one, let say for a dish-washer. A great portion of population of U.S.A. depends on dish-washers to get their spoiled utensils cleansed. Now, the reasons have to be clearly noted before mimicking the Americans by using it. The reasons are that in U.S.A.:

  • Unskilled labour available is less.
  • Labour is expensive.

But in India, the case is not so. Just mimicking the Western countries isn’t good for the time we are living in. USA, UK and similar other countries from which Indians desire to fake are developed countries and they do have more skilled labour to operate over those machines than unskilled labour to be left unemployed.

To survive the takeover by technology, either:

1. India should be educating all of the citizens and ensure that none of the present students, end up being unskilled when the time for them will be to earn and survive.

And doing this is impossible at present for our nation, keeping in mind that India is a developing country and it is not possible for India to have so much of enormous funds to completely invest in education for the citizens. Or

2. Make legislation for future regulations regarding employment disturbing technologies.

Such legislation is not required to disturb the efficiency of the present modern state of India, but prevent the future unemployment because of technologies demanding only skilled labour. It has to be kept in mind that India is not a developed country and has most of its population as unskilled and uneducated. And the uneducated people today are going to be a part of unskilled labour tomorrow, and by ignoring the risk which we can preview about the technological advancement, we might be doing a great loss to the next and further generations.

It is submitted, that a regulation should be made which does not permit those technological inventions in India which replace the humans for it which may:

  • Classify technology into:
    • Beneficial
    • Development restraining
  • Allow the beneficial advancements
  • Block/Regulate the unemployment causing advancements Or
  • Set a limit to the extent of which a technology can be used.

Such legislation may result into an expeditious growth of the country, and individuals as well. Also, it serves the interests of public and aims to lead the nation towards progress. The opinion of making legislation shall not be directed in a negative sense as it ought to be made in the interests of general public and may regulate the technological advancements only till the country gains some development in employment generation as well as growth.

[1] on 03-10-16 at 15:36. 

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