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There is always room at the Top

Last updated: 07 December 2011
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“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success." - Thomas J. Watson

A new entrant in the legal field may have certain doubts in their mind about their success. There are millions of lawyers already working. The court campus is full of lawyers. There are renowned law offices established and working since in 1950s,60s,70s or so on. There are renowned law firms too who hires the best talent from National  Law colleges. Then there are retired judges who have great reputation and experience attached with them. Clients would naturally prefer to heir a retired Judge or experience lawyers.  A question arises in the back of the mind of a young law student or a new law graduate ‘Where is the scope of a new  entrants in legal field? Or ‘Whether I will  get success in the field of law or “ Should I quit the law to get into some other field or may be business?”

Recently, I had an opportunity to attend a seminar on law where a Retd. District judge Mr. K. P. Tiwari, was answering the queries of law students. I am sharing the brief of his message delivered by Hon’ble Judge. I am  reiterating his message as noted during the seminar.

The judge said. “ Yes, it is true that there is lot of crowd out there in legal field. It is also true that there is tough competition but you need not to get disheartened by these circumstances. For your information, There are nearly 3 Crores cases are pending in the various courts. Out of which 2.7 Crores are pending in lower court and nearly 40 lacs cases in various High courts. This is the figure reveled on Bar & Bench for year 2010.

You can visualize the requirement and scope of expert  lawyers. Court works through assistance of lawyers. Lawyers represent the parties. Almost every case require legal experts. Then there is requirement of more judges, more Govt. lawyers, more legal assistants, research work, drafting professional, arguing counsels and their defense lawyers as well.   It is sufficient to understand that that there is ample opportunities in the field.

As far as the  question of competition remains,  you should understand that  field of law is dependent of expertise on the subject matter by a lawyer. The expertise over case is the bread and butter of a lawyer. There is no place of ignorance and carelessness in a case. Every big name you hear in the profession have two common qualities first is perseverance and second is meritocracy.

By the word ‘Perseverance’ I mean to say that  the successful lawyers  keep on  reading and  practicing law day & night.  They keep improving continuously for  years. They update their knowledge and information. They habitually brush up the law journals, legal opinions, judgments etc. Even if they don’t have any specific work in court for any particular day , even though  they visit the court  to avoid their absences. They come forward to help the client and colleague.  They keep on preparing notes on  legal citation and maintain their knowledge base. They help the court cautiously. Such practice of perseverance in law create a distinct image of a lawyer and court starts giving attention to their presence. Habit of absenteeism in court is not good for reputation in the profession. So, please develop the habit of perseverance and don’t expect the success overnight right from the first day. Have patience.

Second and most important habit is ‘meritocracy’. Develop  command over the at least one stream of law. It may be criminal, civil, family, consumer, arbitration, labor, taxation, revenue, motor vehicle, negotiable instrument, service law, company law, Municipal Corporation laws etc. You can choose more branches as per your capabilities but at least have an expertise in one branch. Read almost all the significant judgments, legal literature, law commission reports, lecturer delivered by Lordships on your chosen subject/ area of practice, read research papers of the Act, discuss the legal opinion of the experienced Retd. Judges,  lawyers on that particular stream. You should have clear idea of procedural aspect right from lower court till supreme court on that particular stream. Believe in meritocracy and avoid petty tactics to deal a case. Petty tactice can give you short term success  but you may loose the battle in long term. Only merit will prevail at last in the judgment. 

You can believe that there is always room at the top. No matter how occupied the building but there is always scope for any eligible lawyer to stand on the top of the building.”.


It was great and enlightening experience to attend the function. The learning may be useful for all the seekers for success irrespective to the field. It is equally applicable in management or even in life. 


Thanks & Warm Regards



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