Section 19—Previous sanction necessary for prosecution | 232 |
- A detailed reasoned judgment is not required to be passed while granting sanction for sanction
| 266 |
- Absence of Bar on Repetition of Exercising Jurisdiction for Sanction
| 308 |
- Absence of sanction or invalid sanction to prosecute public servant, cannot be a ground to set aside convictions and sentence
| 273 |
- Absence of sanction’ and ‘validity of sanction’
| 236 |
- Addition of accused - Addition of petitioner as an accused at a belated stage and seeking sanction to prosecute is not proper
| 291 |
- Application of mind—Sanctioning authority—Competent authority must apply its own mind for granting or refusing sanction irrespective of the observation made by the court
| 244 |
- Appreciation of evidence by sanctioning authority—Sanction without considering all the facts and circumstances as collected during the investigation
| 251 |
- Bias of sanctioning authority—Common acceptation means and implies “spite” or “ill-will”
| 246 |
- Challenge to sanction order
| 281 |
- Charge-sheet Filed in case of illegal gratification and earlier order of sanction found to be invalid accused was neither tried nor was there full-fledged trial
| 271 |
- Charge-sheet was filed and cognizance was taken after termination
| 276 |
- Cognizance of offence- Petitioner a public servant was prosecuted without previous sanction and thus mandatory requirement of prior sanction to take cognizance of offence not followed
| 285 |
- Cognizance of offences, it must enquire whether there is a valid sanction to prosecute the public servant available or not
| 279 |
- Competence of sanctioning authority—Commission of the alleged offence or misconduct
| 249 |
- Competent authority for sanction of prosecution - It is not and never necessary that authority competent to grant sanction should be vertically superior in the hierarchy
| 282 |
- Competent authority to grant sanction
| 278 |
- Compulsorily retired public servant sought to be prosecuted u/s 120-B of Penal Code and section 13(1)(d)(ii) r/w section 13(2) of Act, 1988, then no sanction either u/s 197 of Cr.PC or section 19 of Act, 1988 is necessary
| 295 |
- Consideration before sanctioning authority—Concept of ‘doubt’ or ‘plurality of office’
| 237 |
- Court cannot grant stay by use of any power against trial of public servant for corruption charges and this is also applicable to High Court
| 283 |
- Criminal proceedings cannot be interdicted mid-course by High Court invoking section 482, CrPC even if sanction for prosecution
| 268 |
- Delay in issuance of sanction for prosecution
| 272 |
- Delay in sanction to prosecute - Long gap after completion of investigation and grant of sanction vitiates prosecution case
| 284 |
- Director of police u/s 156(3) of Cr.PC to investigate order not to be given mechanically and Magistrate has to apply his mind regarding order passed u/s 156(3)
| 270 |
- Discharge - Accused cannot be discharged on ground of invalidity of discharge as the validity of sanction order can be tested at time of trial
| 292 |
- Discharge of accused - Question of validity of sanction for the prosecution cannot be decided at a stage of framing charges
| 289 |
- Dismissal of Previous complaint for want of Sanction does not bar fresh Complaint
| 296 |
- Draft sanction order was received from the C.B.I. will not vitiate the otherwise valid sanction granted after their application of mind
| 305 |
- Effect of no sanction— Sanction for prosecution is not to be granted
| 242 |
- Error, omission or irregularity in sanction to prosecute is not fatal to prosecution unless it has resulted in failure of justice
| 273 |
- File regarding to prosecute submitted to secretary PWD and some forwarded to ministers PWD who on being satisfied granted sanction
| 270 |
- Finding of court that sanction for prosecution was mechanically granted is not sufficient to set aside conviction
| 271 |
- Framing of Charge—Stay of Proceedings
| 315 |
- Grant of sanction for prosecution of a public servant always vested in the appointing authority-
| 298 |
- Grant of sanction under section 19 of Prevention of Corruption Act is an executive act and the validity thereof cannot be decided in the light of principles applied to Quasi Judicial order—
| 310 |
- Granting sanction, is under obligation of law and independently apply its mind and then to decide about the grant of sanction to prosecute the official
| 260 |
- Grounds for Necessity of Obtaining Sanction by Prosecution during Trial
| 307 |
- Illegal gratification but no previous sanction was obtained by authority before prosecuting accused - Employee - Conviction liable to be set aside
| 295 |
- Invalid sanction order is not merely an irregularity, error or omission
| 268 |
- Investigation conducted by Inspector is an irregularity and conviction is not initiated unless prejudice is caused
| 301 |
- Invocation of Specific Provision of Statutes for Sanction for Prosecution of Employee of Union
| 306 |
- Legality of order of sanction to prosecute - on examination of sanction order
| 236 |
- Magistrate cannot refer a complaint again for investigation u/s 156(3), CrPC against public servant without valid sanction order from Government
| 297 |
- No Protection to Public Servant After Retirement
| 307 |
- Non-challenge to Order Granting Sanction at Pre-cognizance stage
| 307 |
- Non-taking of Cognizance of Matter Before Pre-cognizance stage in Case of Validity of Sanction
| 308 |
- Non-vitiation of Sanction Order for Absence of Reference of FIR
| 308 |
- Obligation of sanctioning authority to discharge his duty to give or withhold sanction only after having full knowledge of material facts of case
| 314 |
- Obtaining pecuniary advantage by public servant by illegal means – Sanction accorded under old Act cannot be taken or treated as sanction under new Act
| 294 |
- Obtaining sanction from appropriate authority for offences u/ss, 7, 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act–Cognizance taken and proceedings liable to be quashed
| 296 |
- Offence committed in the same transaction by accused while functioning as Agriculture officer but prosecution has failed to obtain prior consent of State Government - Criminal proceedings quashed
| 310 |
- Omission on irregularity in sanction is not fatal unless it resulted in failure of justice - Sanction 19(1) is a matter of procedure
| 269 |
- Omission or irregularity in the sanction for prosecution must be a finding that such error or omission, had resulted in failure of justice
| 313 |
- Onus of proving charge of holding ‘disproportionate asset
| 267 |
- Order directing further investigation u/s 156(3) of CrPC cannot be passed in absence of valid sanction in complaint of corruption against public servant
| 269 |
- Order granting sanction is required to be filed along with complaint in connection with prosecution u/s 19 of Act and without sanction of court is precluded from entertaining complaint
| 298 |
- Order of sanction for prosecution passed by sanctioning authority mechanically in obedience of mandamus issued by High Court is not valid
| 302 |
- Plea of improper sanction cannot be raised in appeal
| 277 |
- Postponement of framing of charge - Charge cannot be postponed as supplementary charge sheet may be filed on completion of investigation
| 292 |
- ’Presumption’ is an inference sanctioned by law, which does not logically, or necessarily follow from the proved facts
| 264 |
- Previous sanction to prosecute is not necessary only a person who is removable by order of State Government
| 286 |
- Prosecution of Incharge-Principal of private and unaided college
| 301 |
- Prosecution of public Servant—Sanction to prosecute qua offence under Section 13, P.C. Act
| 315 |
- Prosecution of Public Servants—Protection under Section 19 with regard to sanction to prosecute
| 316 |
- Public servant alleging offence punishable under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 complaint can be presented only and obtaining prior sanction under section 19 of P.C. Act
| 287 |
- Public Servant committing offence under the Act is liable to be prosecuted while he was a public servant court can take cognizance of offence
| 234 |
- Public Servant Dishonestly acts in the discharge of his public duty and thereby commits an offence he will still be covered u/s 197 of CrPC
| 299 |
- Quashing of Proceeding - After sanction for prosecution was refused by authority, subsequently of the retirement of concerned officer the new incumbent granted sanction for prosecution without any additional or new materials placed before the authority
| 297 |
- Quashing of proceedings- Petitioner aged 69 years committed crime of misappropriation of amount during 1996-97 and prosecuted for offence u/ss 408, 477, IPC, and u/s 13 (1) (c),13 (2) of Prevention of Corruption Act
| 297 |
- Quashing of proceedings qua error, omission or irregularity in sanction for prosecution—
| 314 |
- Quashing of sanction sought for alleged offences u/s 19(1)(c) of P.C. Act and facts show Prima Facie that sanction order issued of which validity can be tested at time of trial
| 296 |
- Question of absence of sanction could be raised at the inception but when sanction order exists the issue regarding invalidity can be raised during the trial
| 300 |
- Question regarding validity of sanction can be raised at any stage of proceedings
| 300 |
- Raising of Invalidity of Sanction during Trial
| 307 |
- Requirement of sanction for prosecution of public servant is not merely procedural or directory but a mandatory requirement
| 299 |
- Requirements of sanction cannot be said to be unconstitutional
| 268 |
- Revision against framing charges is not maintainable as framing of charges is not an interlocutory order
| 290 |
- Right of speedy trial encompassed all the stages namely the stage of investigation, inquiry, trial, appeal, revision and retrial
| 303 |
- Rights of speedy trial - Sanction for prosecution of accused not granted by State despite expiry of 12 years and State failed to explain the cause of delay
| 267 |
- Role of Sanction Relating to Offence Committed by Public Servant
| 307 |
- Sanction - Government employee caught red handed while accepting bribe and the competent authority in office not concluded not to sanction
| 287 |
- Sanction can be granted by an authority competent to remove the concerned public servant and it hardly matters as to who is appointing authority
| 298 |
- Sanction for prosecution - Although no time limit for grant of sanction has been prescribed under the Act, 1988
| 281 |
- Sanction for prosecution - Accused, a senior resident doctor in CIMS dismissed from her service on charge of corruption
| 276 |
- Sanction for prosecution - Appointing any disciplinary authority is proper person to accord sanction - Sanction order did not disclose about what were the documents submitted to the authority to accord sanction
| 312 |
- Sanction for prosecution - Crucial date for determination of whether sanction is necessary, date on which cognizance is taken
| 280 |
- Sanction for prosecution – Merely because sanction order was not proved by examining sanctioning authority, it could not be said that it was not proved
| 311 |
- Sanction for prosecution - Order passed by sanctioning authority given mechanically in consequence of pressure put on him by Court of special judge
| 276 |
- Sanction for prosecution – Petition accused was suspended following lodging of FIR and thereafter dismissed – Charge-sheet was filed after his dismissal when he was not a public servant and thus no sanction was required
| 310 |
- Sanction for prosecution – Plea by accused that he was not a “public servant” to be decided of preliminary stage
| 275 |
- Sanction for prosecution – Sanction can be produced by prosecution during course of trial and same may not be necessary after retirement of accused officer
| 309 |
- Sanction for prosecution - When the document of sanction marked exhibit without any objection from accused challenging the said document is granted by incompetent authority at stage of final argument
| 280 |
| 277 |
- Sanction for prosecution accorded under old Act, for allegation of accepting valuable thing or obtaining pecuniary advantage by public servant by illegal means
| 293 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Accused working as General Manager and Sales Manager in Govt. Company in which Govt. has only 26% shares as 74% shares transferred in favour of ‘joint sector company’ – The Company is neither a Government Undertaking nor its employees are public servants
| 294 |
- Sanction for prosecution —Charge sheet filed against appellant after his dismissal from service, sanction not necessary
| 266 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Court cannot sit as a court of appeal over sanction order examining adequacy or inadequacy of material before sanctioning order
| 309 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Document of sanction exhibited without any objection from accused, challenge of said documents as granted by incompetent authority
| 290 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Failure to examine sanctioning authority is not a fatal as it is necessary to examine sanctioning authority
| 276 |
- Sanction for prosecution granted by sub- collector-cum-chairman, RMC was not competent to grant sanction
| 312 |
- Sanction for prosecution is required even for retired Government Servants - Rejection of application
| 294 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Misusing their offices committed several acts whereby certain firms were favoured in the matter of supply of seeds and the time of filing of complaints
| 288 |
- Sanction for prosecution of a public servant even after his retirement or he has ceased to hold office is sin qua non to proceed against under Indian Penal Code
| 313 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Proper authority to sanction prosecution is a competent authority
| 277 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Refusal of session judge to accept closure report submitted by C.B.I. in allegation against official of taking illegal gratification
| 293 |
- Sanction for prosecution- Sanction order must clearly contain recital of reason of grant or refused of sanction
| 280 |
- Sanction for prosecution- The delinquent, a public servant in Irrigation department
| 280 |
- Sanction for prosecution u/s 19 of P.C Act must show that authority before granting the sanction has applied its mind to the material placed before it and grant of sanction
| 313 |
- Sanction for prosecution under the Act is granted with respect to specified accused if sanctioned
| 270 |
- Sanction for prosecution, once refused by competent authority cannot be revised or reviewed on the same materials
| 285 |
- Sanction for prosecution–Alleged offences u/s 13(2) r/w section 13(1)(d) have been committed by accused during his tenure as minister
| 295 |
- Sanction for prosecution—Government ceasing to be Government servants when charge-sheet was filed, sanction for prosecution not necessary
| 294 |
- Sanction for prosecution–Once sanction has been taken/accorded under section 19 of the Prevention of the Corruption Act, 1988
| 286 |
- Sanction for prosecution granted u/s 197, Cr.PC and not under section 19 of P.C. Act against accused who is an I.A.S. officer – Cognizance taken by trial court quashed
| 302 |
- sanction has been awarded u/s 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act read with section 13 (1) and 13(1) (d) of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, which is a special Act
| 306 |
- Sanction must be taken before cognizance as post cognizance sanction is of no legal value
| 309 |
- Sanction of prosecution challenged on ground of non-application of mind
| 235 |
- Sanction order - Mere failure to mention not lead to invalidity of sanction order
| 276 |
- Sanction order granted after inordinate delay of 23 years without assigning any reason, while earlier sanction for prosecution was refused by Engineer-in-chief
| 312 |
- Sanction order should show that authority has consider all relevant facts and applied its mind, prosecution is under obligation to place entire record before sanctioning authority and satisfy court that authority has applied its mind
| 273 |
- Sanction to prosecute – Accused charged u/ss 409, 465, 471, 477A, IPC along with section 7/13 of P.C Act
| 288 |
- Sanction to prosecute – Accused public servant abusing different office than one held at time of cognizance, sanction to prosecute not necessary
| 274 |
- Sanction to prosecute – Authority granting sanction must be satisfied that the facts constitute offence but failure to prove certain facts would not vitiate the sanctions
| 283 |
- Sanction to prosecute – Complaint filed after the petitioner/ accused ceased to be Member of Parliament and was not holding position of public servant
| 289 |
- Sanction to prosecute - Date concerning sanction submitted to PWD, secretly and same forwarded to minister of PWD
| 284 |
- Sanction to prosecute - Merely irregularity or error, omission in grant sanction, a finding sentence order passed by trial court cannot be reversed or altered by appellate court unless failure of justice is occasioned
| 291 |
- Sanction to prosecute - No sanction is required to file FIR or to investigate and else to file a charge-sheet before competent court
| 278 |
- Sanction to prosecute - Order taking cognizance, for offence of taking illegal gratification by public servant
| 277 |
- Sanction to prosecute - Provision of section 19 requiring sanction is not applicable
| 290 |
- Sanction to prosecute - Sanction is not necessary cognizance taken after retirement
| 284 |
- Sanction to prosecute - Secretary to State Government merely authenticating order of sanction issued in name of Governor
| 284 |
- Sanction to prosecute cannot be held invalid only because administratively nothing different authorities have opined
| 268 |
- Sanction to prosecute is not necessary if accused servant not holding post which is alleged to have been misused at the time of cognizance
| 269 |
- Sanction to prosecute not bearing seal of person signing sanction order - Signature of sanction orders should be either proved by sanctioning authority
| 275 |
- Sanction to prosecute was given solely on basis of report made by I.G. and material collected during investigation was not available
| 235 |
- Sanction to prosecute in absence of Pleading and proof
| 279 |
- Sanction u/s 19 is required of the competent authority for prosecution of public servant whether the public servant is removable by the Government or by an authority lower than the Government
| 299 |
- Sanction u/s 19 of P.C. Act is condition precedent to entertain private complaint alleging offence under Prevention of Corruption Act and Special Judge
| 286 |
- sanction u/s 197, CrPC can arise at any stage of the proceeding and not necessarily as soon as a complaint is filed
| 273 |
- Sanction u/s 197, Cr.PC is not attracted for offence u/ss 409, 420, 467, 468,471,IPC as by no stretch of imagination by their very nature be regarded as having both committed by a public servant
| 313 |
- Sanctioning authority equal in cadre to accused cannot accord sanction to prosecution of accused
| 308 |
- Sanctioning authority not required to separately specify each of the offence against accused public servant
| 272 |
- Sanction—The competent authority to grant sanction
| 258 |
- Secretary to State Govt. signed sanction order and he had signed it only and authorisation given by competent authority
| 275 |
- Section 319 of Code cannot be given priority over Section 19 of Act which requires previous sanction –
| 270 |
- Special Judge proceeded for enquiry u/s 202 of Cr.PC on a complaint filed by the petitioner who is an advocate
| 300 |
- Stay of proceeding -No Court can stay the proceedings under the Prevention of Corruption Act unless it is satisfied that such error, omission or irregularity has resulted in failure of surface are on any ground whatsoever may be
| 298 |
- Trial Court, if found sanction other invalid should have discharged the accused rather than acquitting the accused in the terms of the section 19(3) of the Act
| 237 |
- Trial of public servant for corruption charges and this also applicable to High Court when it exercises inherent Jurisdiction under section 482 of Cr. P.C
| 303 |
- When a person holding office of minister and later resigns from the office of minister and continues as M.P, sanction is not necessary
| 270 |
- While granting sanction the officer considered is not required to indicate that he had personally scrutinized the file and had arrived at the satisfaction for granting sanction
| 311 |
- Words “removal from office” mean “putting an end employment”
| 271 |
- Writ Petition challenging sanction to prosecute public servant
| 280 |