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Zaryab Jamal Rizvi online classes

Zaryab Jamal Rizvi


I am a First Generation Lawyer and a trained Mediator, having standing at Bar ofover 16 years, with rich and diverse experience in the field of Law. I am basedin New Delhi, India, and have work spread over multiple locations in India.

I completed my graduation in Law (BSL., LL.B) from the prestigious Symbiosis LawCollege, Pune. Right whereafter, I ventured into legal practice independently andsubsequently started a law firm in the name of LCZF, which with time has earnedtrust and reputation in the professional circles for the unmatched delivery ofassignments. Working as the Founding Partner of the firm, I have consistentlyrepresented multiple clients, including statutory bodies, in various courts across thecountry including the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and on most occasions, reliefhas been granted to my client. My areas of core competence are attention to detail andpreparation of Legal Strategy, based upon the facts of each case. I have a very strongnetwork of Associated Lawyers across India and across the Globe. Through the firm,I provide legal support to our clients in form of consultation, compliance, ADR (i.e.arbitration, conciliation, and mediation), and litigation. I have catered to the legalrequirements in multiple disciplines of law, including the Constitution of India,Company Law, Consumer Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, IPR, Banking,Investments, Exchanges, Securities, Share Trading, Energy (Dams, Mines, PowerPlants-Thermal/Solar), Automobiles, and FMCG amongst others.

I am an advocate of furthering the knowledge gained in the field and in doing so, Ihave addressed corporate training, lectures, news debates and published severalarticles in renowned journals on various subjects. Furthermore, I am also associatedwith the Legal Service Authority, India and as part of the same, I regularly dischargemy duties to extend legal support as a 'Legal Aid Counsel' by representing thevulnerable sections of the society, protected under the Legal Services Authorities Act1987, and spread legal awareness amongst said sections.

In 2018, I was conferred with the award for being a Young Achiever in the Field ofLaw under the age of 40, by Hon’ble Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, Delhi HighCourt, in the august presence of Shri Suresh Prabhu, the then Hon’ble UnionCabinet Minister, Government of India. In 2022, I have been conferred with ‘LexFalcon Global Award’ in Dubai, U.A.E. I have also been appointed on the panel ofAmicus Curiae & Mediator by the Hon'ble National Consumer Dispute RedressalCommission, New Delhi. I am also a Board Member of the Industrial Advisory Boardconstituted by the Geeta Institute of Law, Geeta University.

In my capacity as an Advocate, I have also been nominated by the Government ofUttar Pradesh while exercising its power under Section 14 of the Wakf Act, 1995, asa Board Member of U.P. Shia Central Wakf Board (a statutory board, with the powersto supervise and regulate the Shia Wakf Properties in Uttar Pradesh, roughly valued atINR Seventy-Five Thousand Crores).

In my professional journey, I have represented multiple clients, some of thembeing Siemens AG, Siemens Healthcare Limited, Primetals Technologies India PvtLtd, USHA Alloys, Eureka Forbes, Beetel Limited (A Bright starCompany), Shipping Corporation of India, ICICI Securities Ltd, Karvy SecuritiesLtd, Kotak Securities Ltd, ICICI Bank Ltd, Reserve Bank of India, Nissan MotorsIndia Pvt. Limited, Renault India, Mahindra and Mahindra Motors, Hewlett PackardIndia Sales, Telcon (Joint Venture of TATA and Hitachi), DSIIDC, MCD, VectraAuto Pvt. Ltd, M/s Kanwal Agro Food Industries, WafiSilpa Entertainments, and 3iInfotech Ltd amongst many others.
