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anamika singh (pharma)     29 August 2011

7 years of separation

my lover's wife has filed 498a in march 2005 and they are not living together since 1998. wife has also accepted in court that they are living separately since this period of time. in coming march 2012 seven years of filing case is completed. can 7 years of separation be ground to make relation void. or can this situation be of any favour to us?

 33 Replies


Here she comes again...


 u both can file u both not staying together since 7 years so file for  divorce..


7 years separation does not yield a divorce.Why your husband have not filed divorce yet?If 498A was false one then he would already get divorce....If it was not a fake one then u must be a reason of it..(mental or physical torture..if not, no genuin girl will not come to be the girlfrend of a 498A man)

then shame on you !!


sorry ..lover.

would have...


You were advised by some members here that if you cannot break his marriage,you can live with him honourably like his keep.You will get many benefits like full access to his body,his wallet,his property and so on.


So why don't you think in terms of these material and s*xual gains?


Why do you think of an outdated concept called marriage?


Just start living with him with honour.And keep updating us of your financial and other gains which you go on getting.It will also be beneficial to other women like you who want to marry a married man.


Good luck!



according to judgement of Hon'ble High Court, if a couple live seprately from 7 seven year, wife can't file a case of 498a against his husband, and although they are living together in a house, in this situation wife can't file a suit of u/s 498a against his husband.


and it is my another advice to both of that they should solve their problame with conversation do't go court beacuse "EK DIL KI BAAT EK DIL HI SAMJH SAKTA HAI"



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Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     29 August 2011

Princess seems to know a bit about this case.


Anyhows, Anamika,


No amount of seperation is enough for divorce. Marriages can never be made void on this ground alone.


Divorce can only be obtained on specific grounds. If there are any specifics or remedies you are expecting, talk to your counsel and if you are not satisfied, seek second opinions.




Shonee Kapoor


@Author , please go thru this thread.U will know your future.

anamika singh (pharma)     30 August 2011

through this site i got suggestion of filing 482 for quashing of fir. i have discussed about this with lawers. but we can file it only within 6 months of fir. now 7 years has passed out. i just want to know what actions can be taken agaist us legally if we live together( without marriage). can i officially keep him as tenant( on rent ) in my house? thus purpose will be solved.

upasna (coordinator)     30 August 2011

that means a man doesnot have the right to get care and affection even if he is innocent and his wife is an embodiement of cruelty and weiredness. thts wht u want tu say?? the wife has already created a lot of rucus in her husband's life .wht else she wants??? nd Who r we to teach morality to someone..who knows wht is going to happen to us??? life is not an already written scriptt in which you can make changes according to your whims and fancies.and my advice to anamika..stick to ur faith and have faith in urself and god atleast.. I know nothing about ur relationship but if you think that this man loves you , life will give you a chance to be happy. and u hv stayed with him more than his own u knw him better. No one can predict wht the children of someone would do in please refrain from commenting on other ppl's kids' furture behaviour and take care of your own kids in a better way please.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     30 August 2011

How I wish every 498-a guy found someone as sympathetic a person as Anamika. :-)


Jokes Apart,


There is no law which stops you two from staying together. The only thing is that wife of your friend can file divorce on the grounds of adultery against him.


If you are hassled by cases running for 7 years and are reasonably sure of acquittal, a way put could be to put an application in HC under Article 21 of Indian Constitution for early disposal of cases.




Shonee Kapoor


Mr shonee


How are you so sure that the wife here is cruel?

Did you talk to the wife?

Did you talk to wife's parents?

Did you talk to her husband?

Did you talk to the husband's parents?


You heard a story from an opportunist who's adamant about breaking a home,and you concluded easily that the wife is cruel!!!



What if Anamika was the keep of your jeejaji?

Would you still call Anamika sympathetic?

upasna (coordinator)     30 August 2011

I dnt understand Princess madam why u have to use this kind of language??? i think we all are discussing here

a serious matter. Why to reach out to some one's sister?? you seem to be educated enough.                            why do u get so much impulsive and blast at other person.Arre yar..tell me do u believe in dragging a dead relationship for 7 years. If someone has a revengeful nature thenits an altoghether different story.If a woman is not happy with her husband then give him  a divorce. simple...She dsnt want to live with him ..isnt it the case??

wht  to waste time and energy?? What will happen?? Why can not she settle things amicably.its like Hum to Doobe hain Sanam .tumhe bhi sath le kr doobenge?? After 7 years of running from pillar to post what is gained by her or her husband??? If she is harrasing her then she is also getting harrased.All this is never going to make her husband love her suddenly. If he is bad then why to live with him. I think you have gone through a real hard emotional set back..Try to deal with the matter with alittle bit matur mind. after all you are a woman. Arn't we suppose to be emotionaly stronger then men. If we also behave in the same way as the cruel men do then wht is the difference. But let me tell you one thing. I dnt find cultured and compassionate women these days. I have seen the most cruel and weired face of females.

Originally posted by :upasna

Why to reach out to some one's sister??

I am not speaking against anyone's sister here.I simply want to know if he would have the same attitude towards a married man's GF,had he been her jijaji.

Rather I can smell your aggression and impulseiveness only becuase your brother is suffering.So you feel all wives are bad.

Arre yar..tell me do u believe in dragging a dead relationship for 7 years. If someone has a revengeful nature thenits an altoghether different story.If a woman is not happy with her husband then give him  a divorce. simple...She dsnt want to live with him ..isnt it the case??

How do you know this is the real picture,what this lady is portraying?How do you know this wife is cruel?How are you so sure that this woman is not responsible for spoiling her married life?I am asking you the very same questions which I asked S.Kapoor.Instead of answering those,you started talking about me,my life etc.Because you have no logical answer to give....Truth is always bitter....No??



 If he is bad then why to live with him?


LOL...The husband left his wife because of another woman.And you are saying the wife should not live with himbecuase he does not want.Is he her lord who can dictate things to her according to his will?Is marriage a joke,that you dump your partner with whom you took the pious saat pheras,only to finish it owing to lust?

Why should such a "bad" husband not be punished by law?Why should their wives adopt Gandhigiri?Are these husbands some saints who need to be forgiven each time?Is a wife some toy who can be used and thrown at will,only becuase another women has entered his life?This is the attitude adopted by Indian women for so many centuries,not any more! 

But let me tell you one thing. I dnt find cultured and compassionate women these days. I have seen the most cruel and weired face of females.


 Yes you're right.Women are supposed to be more virtuous also.It's not that they become opportunists and play havoc with the life of an already distressed married woman by trying to snatch her husband.If you think women must be selfless,tell the same thing to this author also,instead of showing your hypocrisy,that you want women to be cultured,but at the same time you are speaking on behalf of a home breaker...


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