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Abuse of chief vigilance officer

Page no : 2

revribhav (Hindi)     27 March 2014


A 6-7


Email: to <>


Pranab Kumar Sahu,,Chief MANAGER & CPIO,


New India Assurance Co Ltd,( NIACL),87,M.G.Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001


Madam/Sir,    Re: Information of Second Appeal under the RTI Act-2005


With reference to My application under the R.T.I.Act  17.01.2014 time barred reply by you  denying information  the  affected  applicant herewith files  second appeal* in the said matter   against the decision of FAA  .Kindly be informed as above.


Shri Gopal Soni,C231,Panch Sheel Nagar,Ajmer -305004.


(appellant)    Enclosed: Set of II appeal to CIC *                                       Dt. 26-03-2014 


Email: to

Renjit Gangadharan,Dy General Manager,

New India Assurance Co Ltd, ( NIACL),87,M.G.Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001


Madam/Sir, Re: Information of Second Appeal under the RTI  Act-2005


That II  appeal to the Central Information Commission is being filed herewith in the matter of denial of information to my RTI application dated 17.01.2014.




Shri Gopal Soni,C231,Panch Sheel Nagar,Ajmer -305004.


Enclosed: Set of II appeal to CIC *                                                           Dt.  26-03-2014



A5. Rule of law-


Information cannot be denied to a person adversely affected by  decision of  public authority  


CHAPTER II                                                                                                                    Right to information and obligations of public authorities


                                                       3 Subject to the provisions of this Act, all citizens shall have the right to information.


4 (1) Every public authority shall—


(d) provide reasons for its administrative or quasi-judicial decisions to affected persons.

Attached File : 364820676 set ii appeal 17.01.14 light cyber complaint.pdf downloaded: 135 times

revribhav (Hindi)     27 March 2014


The false statement of CPIO,NIACL mumbai dated 25.02.2014 having received RTI on 27.01.2014   is clearly reflected as the akcnowledgement of NIACL Jaipur CPIO recorded having received RTI on 17 th January at Jaipur.




The intention is to cause harassment of  an innocent citizen of india by subjecting him to face police authorities without providing him any information of the nature of complaint filed by a DGM,a public servant,in the course of his official duty. 

Attached File : 364825137 rti 17.01.14 cyber crime dgm vaghela niacl q.pdf downloaded: 136 times

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     27 March 2014

you are not able to convey your point.  that is the reason you and Mr Gopal Soni do not get any advise.

revribhav (Hindi)     27 March 2014

revribhav (Hindi)     27 March 2014

Please note that so far neither Mr Vaghela nor any other DGM or GM of a GIPSA company (with public money) have been successful to get an honest RTI activist arrested on cyber crime charges despite the best of their whimsical & capricious activism.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     27 March 2014

you are not able to convey your point.  that is the reason you and Mr Gopal Soni do not get any advise.


you have no justification to treat experts like your office Asstt who will read each and every paper and then understand your problem and then give you free advise.

revribhav (Hindi)     28 March 2014

RTI Act will help end corruption in India, says PM
Aug 15, 10:14 am

New Delhi, Aug. 15 (ANI): Asserting that the Congress-led UPA has taken many important measures to make the work of the government responsive, transparent and honest, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on Thursday said the Right to Information (RTI) Act frequently brings to light irregularities and corruption and opens the door for improvements.

Delivering his 10th Independence Day speech from the ramparts of the historic 17th-century built Red Fort; Dr. Singh mentioned two of the most important legislations.

"Through the RTI Act, the common man now gets more information than ever before about the work of the government. This legislation is being used on a large scale at all levels. The Act frequently brings to light irregularities and corruption and opens the door for improvements," said Dr. Singh.

"I am sure that the RTI will lead to further improvements in the way the government functions," he added.

Dr. Singh further said the government has introduced the Lokpal Bill in Parliament.

"The Lok Sabha has passed the Bill and it is now before the Rajya Sabha. This legislation will be a major step towards making our political system clean," he added. (ANI)

RTI Act, Congress, UPA, Independence Day speech, Red Fort, Manmohan Singh



I sincerely hope that I shall continue the mission with the spirit of self sacrifice as I have been doing since last 7 years for the cause of honesty in public life.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     28 March 2014

you are not able to convey your point.  that is the reason you and Mr Gopal Soni do not get any advise.


you have no justification to treat experts like your office Asstt who will read each and every paper and then understand your problem and then give you free advise.

revribhav (Hindi)     30 March 2014

Photo of NIACL chairman with a well known bribe taker of NIACL as on 20th July 2012 at Jaipur Regional Office of the insurance company is attached.


It comes under the abmit of inter alia the following:-

The Public Interest Disclosure And Protection Of Informers

Attached File : 1006244502 a. r. sekar with bribe taker photo .pdf downloaded: 123 times

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     30 March 2014

seen the enclosed photograph. It does not convey any evidence of bribery

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     30 March 2014

you are not able to convey your point.  that is the reason you and Mr Gopal Soni do not get any advise.


you have no justification to treat experts like your office Asstt who will read each and every paper and then understand your problem and then give you free advise.

revribhav (Hindi)     01 April 2014

CVC rules of timely proceedings are attached

also attached is the news of bribe taking

the alleged bribe taker was never put under suspension

Attached File : 146489022 cvc rules timely proceedings media report bribe taker.pdf downloaded: 139 times

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     01 April 2014

did you move to high court for writ mandamus

revribhav (Hindi)     25 October 2014

Lavish squandering on behalf of Public Sector beaurocracy (where left hand does not know what the right hand is doing) , from public money entrusted to the New India Assurance Co. Ltd,to prevent law of transparency to honest information seeker.        
 There is public perception of systematic apathy to corruption and abuse of public money in the public sector beaurocracy.
Department of justice forwards the communication of President of India's office to Bombay High Court .                

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 October 2014

TIME PASS                TIME PASS                TIME PASS                TIME PASS                TIME PASS               

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