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abhay aman (     28 August 2014


Respected all plz help me out.. Thing is one of my past friend two year back (that time we r on rented house) taken sign and thumb impression on Blank stamp-paper of 100/- due to we have to make a rent agreement for new house and as we are a friend and taht was a student life so i did the same . But due to some couse rent agreement not made. taht time i not asked about same blank stamp. Now 1 year back he give a court case on me of friendly loan of rs 9,00,000/- as on same paper he typed a affidavit/undertaking of friendly loan of 9,00,000/- and take two witness too ,but i dont know the who is witness. so i just want to know is it valid document. can we make dis type of doc. on 100/- stamp paper. same paper not purchage by me so its not on my name. plz help me out.


 8 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     28 August 2014

Engage a local lawyer to help you.

Arpit lalan (Legal Consultancy/Advocate)     28 August 2014

Dear Abhaykumar,

                               Please contact a lawyer immediately. infact engage a lawyer asap since you have signed on a blank Stamp paper. never should you sign or give a thumb imprint on a blank piece of paper/documetns/anything at all!!

Arpit lalan (Legal Consultancy/Advocate)     28 August 2014

for further help (no fees charged for initial consultancy) email me at

S K KARNjhc (Legal Adviser)     28 August 2014

you should consult local lawyer in this matter

Rajiv Chauhan (Advocate) (Advocate (Shimla) 7833999000)     28 August 2014

Many thing has to be taken into consideration you told that the stamp paper was purchased for rent purpose.

What is written on the back side of the stamp paper (The Purpose for which the stamp paper is taken, who has bought the paper, whose signature etc.....their are many things which has to be considered before giving any opinion. so it is better you consult a lawyer

abhay aman (     28 August 2014

Originally posted by : Rajiv Raj Chauhan

Sir .. 

Stamp paper not in my name. so in back of stam paper not my name. purchased by him so his name is der. purpose not clear writen der. but the doc is not notrize or attesed by any oath officer.

So is it valid...?


Many thing has to be taken into consideration you told that the stamp paper was purchased for rent purpose.

What is written on the back side of the stamp paper (The Purpose for which the stamp paper is taken, who has bought the paper, whose signature etc.....their are many things which has to be considered before giving any opinion. so it is better you consult a lawyer

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     29 August 2014

Nothing can be advised without seeing the document.

Although the stamp papers are purchased by a particular person and his/her compelete details are mentioned  by the stamp vendor, who is supposed to keep a record as well, yet, these finer details (who purchased the paper/when purchased/what for it has been purchased etc etc.) are to be considered for demolition of evidence set up by the person using the stamp paper in his/her favour, otherwise these details (generally) does not carry weightage..

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     31 August 2014

as per your contents, you have been falsely implicated in a money recovery case may be due to some local reasons. Since you say that it has got many flaws in it, it is better to consult a local lawyer, take his advise and challenge the issue properly before the court of law.

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