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k.sasidhara sriram (lawyer)     07 August 2011

Can an advocate join as amway distributor

can an advocate become AMWAY Distributor and do amway business. is there any bar to become amway distributor in advocates code of conduct






 52 Replies

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     07 August 2011

no problem you can do it.


Dear JADN,


I appreciate your reply "no problem you can do it." But, since the question pertains to the future career of a legal professional, would you please like to quote relevant section of the Advocates Act or any case law in support of your expert opinion, so that he may be able to act upon your advice without any unexpected problem? Your subsequent answer would provide adequate help to the whole of the Advocates' community.

1 Like


Dear JSDN,


Sorry for the slip. Please read "JSDN" instead of JADN on my previous post.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     12 August 2011

Do you know any law or have you read any law books or court judgment.




I have asked for your clarification only on your own advice, as the same is in the wider interests of the lawyers community. That may probably enhance my knowledge also.


For your kind information, I have not yet expressed any opinion on the question of Mr. Sasidhara. So, your query is quite irrelevant whether I have read any law book or court judgment. Your query would have been relevant only when I would have given any advice to Mr. Sasidhara and only if that would have been contrary to any section of any law or court judgment.


So, please quote some relevant section of any Act or case law in support of your advice, dated 7th August, so that Mr. Sasidhara may get full confidence in him to start with the proposed venture.. That may also benefit other members of the legal profession.


However, if you don't have any reference to quote that is another thing.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     12 August 2011

First tell which is your group for which is you are  CEO ,otherwise it is all fake.

Amd when you have not read or studied law how you will under stand legal finer points.

And there is no relation with you for the querry.




Your avoidance or refusal to quote relevant legal provisions in support of your own reply won't affect me or my group in anyway, BUT would create bad impression of your own and would affect your own reputation as a senior legal professional.


When a person claiming to be a "senior advocate up to the highest level" fails or avoids to quote any section of relevant Act, or cite any case law in support of his own reply, even on asking, and tries to sidetrack the issue on one or the other pretext, any viewer of your answer in relation to the query, can conveniently raise doubts on your knowledge of law and even your intentions to mislead even the community of legal professionals, what to say of a layman, who would try to trust on you.


So, if you really know the provisions of law in support of your answer to the query "can an advocate become AMWAY Distributor and do amway business" you are obliged to quote the same, so that other advocates may be free to undertake business of their choice in addition to their legal practice. If you don't quote any provision of law, what to say of finer points of law, anybody can easily misunderstand you about your knowledge of law, even in general.


Further, about my ability to understand the finer points of law, you have not yet quoted any provisons of law, even in general, so where the question of understanding finer points of law by me arises?


Further, neither the question of Mr. Sasidhara, nor your answer to that question has any direct or indirect link with my group. So, where the question of asking for my group arises? Still further, it is not my fault if you can't read the name of my group, which is clearly written along side my name.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     14 August 2011

Persons who are prima facia false have no locus standi.


Your Advocate, alias JSKN, alias JSDN,


False are those persons, who use false identity, like you, and also change frequently such false identity. Anybody can understand  that such type of persons cannot be relied. Do you prefer to be treated as an unreliable professional, that too on an open public forum?



Hope you would like to realize that mere holding some degree by a person, but without appropriate knowledge on the topic on which he renders any advice to others, does not bestow any right to on him to be called as an expert.


MY ELDERLY ADVICE FOR YOU, better you refresh your knowledge on the topics on which you try to give any advice instead of fighting to stand without any solid base.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     15 August 2011

Instead of posting such lengthy repies why you are ashamed to show us what is your group for which you are CEO.


Your Advocate, alias JSKN, alias JSDN,


There is no remedy for your own created problems when you delebrately fail to read properly any reply of others. Try to read my reply of 14th August. You will find the answer to your query. I repeat here for your kind information, "it is not my fault if you can't read the name of my group, which is clearly written along side my name."


On the other hand, you have avoided reply to any of my queries so far, not only on this thread, but also on three other threads, while you try to repeat your query without reading others reply.


Why are you so afraid of replying my queries, including revealing your real identity? Why you intentionally hide your identity and also change your fake identity time and again?

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     17 August 2011

Bogus CEO of non existant group carry on your music since this site is libral and allows fakes like you.


Your Advocate, alias JSKN, alias JSDN,


Bogus are those people, who use bogus identity, like you, and also change that frequently and never have the courage to come forward with their real identity, even on several requests.


Really you are a great shameproof person, as in spite of your failing on several aspects you claim to be an expert and try to befool others . I along with other members of this forum noticed several deficiencies on your part in several cases, like --


- You are afraid of revealing your real identity;


- You try to misguide the persons, even not sparing your legal brethren, through your misleading answers against law, which even is evident from your answer to the question on previous page to the author/starter of this thread, who is also an advocate:


- Your failing to provide legal aspects in support of your answer. You have been avoiding to quote any section of law or citation in support of your answer even on repeated requests. WHY DO NOT YOU QUOTE THE LEGAL PROVISIONS, IF YOU ARE REALLY A LEGAL EXPERT? WHY DO YOU AVOID THAT?


- Your failing to provide any legal definition when repeatedly asked, like CEO;


- Your failing to interpret even the small words or terms;


- Your failing to read properly any text, reply to your own queries, as you just try to read between the lines and continue to repeat time and again your vague queries, without replying to the queries on you by others;


- Your failing to write correct spellings of even simple words.  What to speak of other threads, even in your last post you spelled "liberal" wrongly, as "LIBRAL"


- You try to support the unethical practices of professionals even through your replies on this public forum, as I pointed out on one other thread.


Except on four of the threads, I have not yet seen your replies. I am sure you would have definitely contributed your misleading and unethical replies on other several threads also.


I have already pointed out that through each of your reply you would only be exposing yourself more and more. So, you have done on this thread also. I am also apprehensive that you won't hesitate to expose more of your deficiencies on this thread also. So, you are welcome.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     18 August 2011

Tell what is your group and why you are not a fake, imposter CEO, just using these titles to befool and terrorize people .

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