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Mohit Sule   07 September 2015

Claiming Fathers Property

My father & Mother got divorced in 1985. I am staying with my mother from since then. As per court order my father was suppose to give monthly compensation to us, in initial days he gave us but afterwards he discontinued paying. And later on he never shows interest to see me or my mother, I never saw him or he never comes to see me. Not only he disobeyed the courts order but also he ignores his responsibilities. Now after 29 years if I wants to Sue him what charges I can file against him, & how much percentage I can claim in his property, because he remarried and staying in some other city. Please let me know your suggestions. Thanks.

 2 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     07 September 2015

you can file a execution order to claim the dues but you need to convince the court as to how you managed to live without the maintenance amount.

Mohit Sule   07 September 2015

My mother is a nurse in hospital, & we were living with my grand mother. So actually my mother raised me. Now I am an Engineer so now actually I don't need him. Neither financial nor morally. Please let me know what charges I can file against him. Getting the maintenance amount I not my motive. I want to make sure that he will get proper penalty for what he did with us.

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