Legalizing the prostitution is the demand of the hour. sc is right on this issue. it is an old fashion to demoralize the woman on sx. While male are not blamed for it. Actually the pimps make the situation horrible. To make them (pimp) out of this profession SC told that if Govt. do not able to control over them, it will be better to legalize the prostitution by which they can come openly with their complains. - it is good and appreciable. After all they are human beings.
I could not understand that when a person take prosstitution as a profession why he / she will be blamed; they will be a victim of social hate? it is a section of people who goes there , but they are small in numbers. Why they (prostitutes) will be blamed? As they use their body organ for the purpose of earnings? we everyone use our different body organs for earnings by one or other way. Then why for a section or part of society will be receiving ill treatment by the society ? is it fair? I hereby congratulating all those who are fighting for legalizing the prostitution at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and other placeses.