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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     18 January 2010

Derogatory and Defomatory remarks by members of LCI

Some of the LCI members are in the habit of making highly derogatory and defamatory statements against the Supreme Court Judges, the President and the Prime Minister etc; why no civil and criminl case is registered againt such LCI members for defamation against such mmbers?


 21 Replies

DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     18 January 2010

 MR.ASSUMI,   PLEASE      GIVE       NAMES      HERE     FOR      THE       KNOWLEDGE      OF  ALL.   THE      MEMBERS.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     18 January 2010

Like Mr. Raj Kishore vaish? 

Dilip Kumar Borah (Manager-Land)     18 January 2010

I too agree with Dr. Sanat Kr. Dash.  Our good LCI Admin Team should take note of this and consider cancellation of such membership first.

Admin (LawyersClubIndia Team)     18 January 2010

Since several complaints were received against Mr.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Mr. Raj Kishore Vaish, the said members have been banned today. 

5 Like

Anish goyal (Advocate)     18 January 2010

Admin i think LCI must come up with rules to be followed. This will help members particularly new one. Also it will help the LCI team to ban those who r not following the rules.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     18 January 2010

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Dilip Kumar Borah (Manager-Land)     18 January 2010

Thanks to Admin for prompt action. This will encourage us to be tolerant and to communicate in a decent manner even if we do not to agee to some views of  other people or organisations.


Thanks Admin - It was long over due.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     18 January 2010

Thanks to admin. But for a caution note, did the Admin, gave them an opprtunity before they were banned: As even God gave an opportunity to Adam and Eve before they were expelled from the Garden of eden? Did the Admin scrutunised their statements in the forum whether it was true or not? I am of the view that Raj and M.K.Gandhi deserved an opportunity to expalin their position first and banning them without an opportunity of hearing is not proper.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     18 January 2010

Last week Mr.Prakash sathya, pointed out the history of Judiciary Coruption, is he liable to be banned from this forum for posting such remarks against the judges?

Mr.Assumi I have posted the Thread from the source from where I got. If LCI members hurt for my postings or answers to the threads, I am ready to withdraw or I request the Admn. to cancel my membership.

Dear All LCI Members, Thanks for the cooperation for all these months. I am withdrawung from the LCI and near future I don't contribute.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     19 January 2010

Dear Sathya Sir, you know that I dont mean that you should be banned, what I want to point out is that Admin should properly scrutunized matters and take action before banning any members. In this Country some issues are never brought to the notice of the general public, and if members of LCI post such matters in the forum should they be banned frm the forum without application of mind? We are learning many new things from this forum through the contributions of the members, and in spite of targeting those subjects matters if we target our members without proper application of mind on the subject matters, it wil not be proper to go on banning our members.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 January 2010

Respected Satya Prakash sir, your contributions are significant and informative, so, please review your decision, for the sake of people like us.

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