Rabindra Roman Singh 11 May 2020
Vishnu P Sopanam 11 May 2020
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate) 11 May 2020
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 11 May 2020
Is the property in the joint names of your father in law and mother-in-law? how can they get it?
Sinjari Bandyopadhyaya(Banerje (Lawyer 9830019661 Kolkata WB) 12 May 2020
It is evident from your statement that your Father in Law and your moner in law are the joint owerns of those properties,therefore,those properties being their self acquired,they can transfer it to anybody else of their choice and your wife can't prevent them from doing so .
P. Venu (Advocate) 12 May 2020
What is the character of the properties so transferred - whether they self acquired or ancestral? How was the transfer effected - was it throug a registered deed?