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Sounder Rajan V (Advocate)     22 December 2010


Dear All

By way of refurbishing HR Knowledge for the Staffing Industry we have attached the historic ESI Circular which in effect had recognized Outsourcing as a legal practice in India

As per ESI Circular the following types of Outsourcing Contracts are recognized It categorizes the outsourcing, process and calls outsourcing in a simple term of “Job work”:

(a) The Jobwork done inside the factory/establishment premises through Contractors/Immediate Employers having independent ESIC Code Nos.

(b) Jobwork done inside the factory premises through Contractors/Immediate Employers not having independent ESIC Code Nos.

(c) Jobwork done outside the factory/establishment premises through factories/establishments which are having independent Code Nos.:

(d) Jobwork done outside the factory/establishment premises through factories/establishments which are not having independent Code Nos but the supervision being exercised by the Principal Employer

(e) Jobwork done outside the factory premises through units engaging less than 10/20 employees but working exclusively for the Principal Employer

(f) Jobwork done outside the factory/establishment premises through factory/establishment engaging less than 10/20 employees which are not independently coverable, and where no supervision is exercised and who are undertaking the work for more than one employer

(g) Jobwork done outside the factory premises through Contractors/Immediate Employers who perform the work through Home workers or works in non-implemented areas
For downloading the Circular see the download portion of /

With regards
V.Sounder Rajan
VS Rajan Associates,
Advocates & Notaries & Legal Consultants
No.27, Ist Floor, Singapore Plaza,
No.164, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001.
E-mail : rajanassociates@eth,net,
Off : 044-42620864, 044-65874684,
Mobile : 9840142164-9025792684-9025792634

 2 Replies

Sounder Rajan V (Advocate)     23 December 2010

Dear Viewers


In case you do not find it in the Download portion  and you need the Circular please send mail to and our Office will send it  to you.

With regards
V.Sounder Rajan
VS Rajan Associates,
Advocates & Notaries & Legal Consultants
No.27, Ist Floor, Singapore Plaza,
No.164, Linghi Chetty Street,
Chennai - 600 001.
E-mail : rajanassociates@eth,net,
Off : 044-42620864, 044-65874684,
Mobile : 9840142164-9025792684-9025792634

Abhinav (Associate)     31 December 2010

Despite the circular, the outsourcing industry is bound to grow.


High End Legal Outsourcing

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