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Dev Duttaa (dsd)     25 October 2013

Ex gf blackmailing me for money

My ex gf is blackmailing me, she is demanding Rs 1 L or she will file a rape case against me .

we had like 4 months relationship, but after a huge fight we broke up this august, suddenly she called me yesterday and wanted to meet me , after meeting she said me directly that she wants Rs 1 L or else she will file a rape case against me  (some pretext of marriage or something like that she said), it this even possible ? 

I don't know much about law but i am really afraid of police cases and all. I am just a  college student and i cannot arrange so much money , please give me advice, I haven't said to my parents anything , and if police comes to our house it will be a big issue. she given me 1 week to arrange the money , please help me wat to do.

 10 Replies

R Trivedi (     25 October 2013

I do not know if at all you have raped her, but now certainly she is going to rape you.


The hon Apex Court has forgotten that even a rural girl (with due respect) will not let the boy touch her even after arranged engagement but before marriage, so how come a forward looking educated urban girl will allow a boy to do all the things on a childish promise of marriage by boy. The point is girl is not supposed to let a boy touch her even if the marriage is fixed by elders, so there is no question of letting the boy touch her on some vague promise... I will marry you, please let me do this...THIS STORY FROM THE GIRL IS NON SENSE.


So my dear Student, till the time our judges understand that this kind of thing does not come under rape, this is pure change in social values in youngsters and at the worst (from their point of view) moral degradation of youngsters not amounting to criminality. Also they have to understand that a rape is a rape, a crime is a crime, it is not subjective, if you marry, no crime, if you do not marry, crime... NOn SENSE.


Now coming to your rescue, either expose the bluff of the girl, see what all she can do, if you really feel she is hell bent on doing this, go to local area SP (not to local police station SI or so), tell him truthfully everything regarding your friendship with her (no need to tell him that you went all the way), just friendship aspect. If he gets an idea that the girl is blackmailing you then GOD help her !! You may use latest mobile to get her telephone conversation taped, you know bluffing her out.

Because boy, if she goes to police and complains then dice will be heavily loaded against you, thats the law presently, so use the ideas from such forum and talk to someone who is your confidant, and surely some solution will come out. May be your papa can come to your rescue if every other option is exhausted. Just remember do not use any criminal force or criminal trick on her.



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Dev Duttaa (dsd)     25 October 2013

we never been physical to that point (may be jst kissed once or twice) during our relationship, we never went to any private places, after searching google i came to know that these type of cases can be registered. :( I don't have any phone record till now about blackmailing , but she is not picking up my phones , or replying to my smses , she just smsed me once and here is the exact sms " Please don't disturb me now , we will meet again on monday, please dont forget what i said, tata ", thats all i have, and in call record i have her number as received calls (twice ).

what is local SP? (sorry if i sound stupid, but i don't know ) whom will i approach .. i dont know want to do , please help

Aashish George (lawyer)     25 October 2013

1st of all i like the humor used by trivedi ji.

2nd of all, moral values and this being non-sense is purely his views alone. i on the other hand do not share such ideologies, i would never want a boy to have fun with my girl on the pretext of marriage and walk away when he is full. whether a girl will allow the boy to touch her or not is based on the Psychology
 of the girl, some may allow, some may not. therefore, i would not mind this law, if you use somebody by fooling them, then you better pay! (these are my views, i dont mean to offend anyone and i am not asking anyone to educate me on this. these are and always will be my personal views regarding the law)

3rd yes, women are now using these laws to the fullest to cheat men who have done no wrong, no doubt about it. numerous case are there in which supreme court has ruled that cases in which such kind of malafide intention on the part of the girl is revealed should be dealt with strictly.

4th, i am sorry, 2nd last last para of trivedi ji (atleast starting bit is something that i dont agree with) if you walk upto a police officer and narrate the entire story he will take you for a ride, may even black mail you and try and extort money, as off now the girl complaining about you may be 50-50,  but if you trust the police under this, i assure you, you will end up in a bigger mess. well, the last line of that para may workout for you if you record her stating that she wants to extort money from you, but during this conversation if she makes specific allegation then god help you!

5th i believe you have not told the complete story to us, you have not stated about your relationship with her in a detailed manner for us to estimate the damage she can cause, and concealing things from an advocate can lead you into deep waters. therefore, you should be more specific and give us a detailed picture in order to help you.

6th hire a good advocate to draft a complaint on your behalf and ask him to notify the authority regarding the same, that may do some damage control, but it wont be enough to save you." life is a gamble, gamble is a game, one wrong choice, life becomes vein".

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Dev Duttaa (dsd)     25 October 2013

we never been physical to that point (may be jst kissed once or twice) during our relationship, we never went to any private places, after searching google  i came to know that these type of cases can be registered. :(  

I don't have any phone record till now about blackmailing , but she is not picking up my phones , or replying to my smses ,  she just smsed me once and here is the exact sms   " Please don't disturb me now , we will meet again on monday, please dont forget what i said,  tata ",   thats all i have, and in call record i have her number as received calls (twice ).

 what is local SP? (sorry if i sound dumb, but i don't know )  whom will i approach now..

Aashish George (lawyer)     25 October 2013

she sounds like pro! and sp is Superintendent of Police (SP). if you have not touched her then fret not and also gather pics with she holding you, intimate pics  and stuff will help. appoint a good advocate immediately.

R Trivedi (     26 October 2013

Subsequent to Aashish post I must clarify something...


1. I am not advocating pre marriage relationship, that is upto the individual to decide. I just meant that..


a. It is certainly not justice to initiate the criminal proceeding against a boy on a complaint from a girl that my bf was raping me for "YEARS" under the false promise of marriage.


b. My point is if girl feels so sacrosanct then they should not let the boy touch till marriage... Boys will respect such girls later on rather than breaking off the relationship. Cheat will either go away or attempt to force.... then it is rape, but it can happen only once. 


c. Girls (those who file such complaints) are urban girls like in live-in relationship, small starlets, means educated and in general not socially deprived, by no stretch of imagination these girls can be treated as fools that the would fall for a promise of marriage by a boy.


d. Take this case in hand, if she approaches the police, the boy is practically into serious problem, stuck in long legal battle as accused even though he may come out clean in the end, but his life is ruined. If he approaches an advocate what preventive action can he take, because that does not bar the girl to initiate process against him.. Hence I suggested see if she is seriously unscrupulous, if so the best is approach a senior police officer of IPS rank. Our officers at that level are morally not so depraved to blackmail this innocent boy... This is applicable only if this boy is clean, which I have no reason to disbelieve from his story. 

Dev Duttaa (dsd)     26 October 2013

@ thank you mr trivedi and mr George ,

This monday she asked me to meet her at a mall around 1 pm (day after tomm) will i approach police and ask them to come with me. (i dont know anyone of IPS rank).

I haven't said anything to my parents and don't know how can i say it. Only i said to my best friend he said, just to arrange money and give her bcoz if she complaints to police my career will be over (as a student i don't have also soo much money, otherwise i would be seriously given her).

 If she complaints to police , will i get arrested immediately ?

BTW We only have one picture together in a coffee shop.

Aashish George (lawyer)     26 October 2013

trivedi ji is absolutely right, he is my senior and more experienced than me you should listen to his advise, but i stand firm by what i have said, its not unheard off, the so called ips rank people being involved in extortion and blackmailing, my senior Mr.K.K.Manan has a few cases in which high ranking police official (ips) are also involved in cheating and blackmailing etc (off-course the trial ran so long that now most of  them are retired). i would name a few, but that would be breaking attorney client confidentiality. let me make this clear, i am not saying that since we have a few bad apples, then the entire basket is! but should you take that chance? and what makes you think he will listen, these people are super busy doing nothing!

now what preventive action can an advocate take? well, trivedi ji is right, he wont be able to stop her from filing the complaint, but can a IPS officer stop her from filing an FIR?, I am sorry but he cannot! police are duty bound to register FIR when a complaint is given to them, denying them that would be to deny them their basic right for justice and even if he is able to stop her, there are other ways of getting FIR registered, but a good advocate can save you from going to jail. a similar case had come up in the high court and senior advocate hariharan sir was arguing on anticipatory bail and his arguments were so mind blowing that the accused he was defending got anticipatory bail. i am afraid i dont exactly remember that case, but you can still search for it. even after me saying all this, if trivedi ji says that we as advocates cant protect you, then i am afraid you were wasting your time here.

as i said earlier, i am young and inexperienced, i merely state what i have seen in court and read in files. my advice good or bad is mine and mine alone. i mean no disrespect to any of my esteemed seniors.


aashish george

R Trivedi (     27 October 2013

In such cases the basic first level approach shall be to put in efforts that FIR itself is not initiated, querist is very clear he is not seeking any advise how he can win the case, his anxiety is why the case itself. For a Rajasthan Minister case police took a month and substantial investigation before arresting him, For Asaram also enough time was given by police, but for an ordinary citizen first thing the police does is to summon him to police station or just arrest him. How this can be prevented ? If he meets local SP and puts forward his point of view, let  me assure you, local thana will not file the FIR without some more investigation and the girl will back off.  The girl is bluffing, and she cannot hold on sustained questioning by police without proper tutoring. That will save the boy harassment of facing a criminal trial. 


Today one very disturbing news came (order not verified just the newspaper report) : AAP leader Kejriwal summoned by the court in defamation case, his objection that complainant (some one on behalf of Shiela Dixit CM of Delhi) has no locus standi is overruled by court stating that locus of complainant shall be decided after the trial...Can this boy/girl sustain the rigor of a criminal trial ?



niranjan (engineer)     20 July 2014

sir i had a relation with a girl  1.5 year before . this relation is started since 2011 . first s*xual relation i occurred in 2012 . she know i shall not marry with her . but after s*xual relationship  she started blackmailing for money . and threatened me to tell all think to my parents .therefore i gave her amount . many time . if i stopped  relationship with her she started blackmailing for money many time i had given money to her . if i told her that i will not give her money . she started missedcall on my house . then i afraid i gave her money . in 2013 i got the job in dubai . i told her that now i m break all the relation . then again blackmailing for money  . i refuse her to give money . then she made aplan she told a policeman that i harras her .policeman threatend me . then she demanded me money for 25000. i gave her all money . but now after 6 month she againt demend me money 10000  .she threatened me if i not give her money she send msg to all mu company employees. i again decided to giver her money. sir have mony her msg for demanding for money. but i afraid . when i return india she againt blackmailing for money . i am very lower middle class family . i donot want to leave that job please help me

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