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Harassment by neighbours for females visiting me.

Page no : 2

Abdullah Usman Khan (Student)     30 June 2010

Ah, now I see how your "CLUB" works. Lovely. Keep up the good work. And go ahead, have a "club hug" now.

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     30 June 2010

again here comes your attitude. Since my view is against you, you started saying about club itself..

Abdullah Usman Khan (Student)     30 June 2010

Are you really that retarded man? Wow! Do you even take the time to EVER backtrack and re read what's been written and said before?! YOU mister, said, "If at all your query is answered, you go out of our club.

" And THAT, is where "CLUB" came from. From you! Please don't keep showing me how truly incapable of intelligent conversation you are. And I'm not even taking the liberty of criticizing your English. Your brain itself doesn't work anywhere near what it should. Please, if you have nothing useful to say, say nothing at all.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     30 June 2010

Mr. Khan,


I had wanted to conclude on this topic,   .BUT.   You have habitually mono-syllab'ically started  "RANTING" chronically.


Just answer this one.

Well,  IF in  "Saudi Arabia",  your neighbours and your govt. allows over-night stay of   "different" non-relative Female friends, in your house in Saudi Arabia,  THEN logically that should be allowed in India as well.


AND also answer this one.

YOU could try to ask your parents to Stay in your rented house for a month or so AND THEN let all your different Girl-Friends and Boy-Friends come over at 3 in the morning OR overnight stay  OR week-end stay  or whatever,   AND then see IF they are amicable to your friends visiting you at all odd house.    Forget the neighbourhood or the police.  LETs ALL know  what your parents say to your above activities.


Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

HANUMANT DESHMUKH (Activist)     30 June 2010

  1. This discussion is getting way off topic. The fact of the matter is whether it is legal to have friends (male or femal) over at your place at any time of day. It is most certainly legal. Everybody, including the renter and the neighbors, have are right to enjoy their premise quitely and peacefully.
  2. At the most, the neighbors can allege that you get prostitutes in your apt. That would be a criminal complaint and the police have to take it to the magistrate and acquire a search warrant based on the complaint and any evidence given by the complainants. The magistrate has to decide whether to allow further investigation or dismiss the complaint.
  3. Even the landlord, let alone the neighbors, cannot kick you out of the house. That is all there is to it. Legally.

Now, practially, neighbors can make anybodys life miserable. So they can create all sorts of trouble for you. If you are up to it, then stand up for your rights. If you have better things to do than changing the attitude of stupid neighbors, then move to a more amicable place.

Personally, I don't agree with your neighbors attitudes (again, assuming that your hands are clean). They display the same mob mentality that is seen everywhere. If they don't like your way of living (assuming you are doing nothing illegal), then that is their problem and they should either bear with it or move out. The same choices that you have. If you don't like your neighbors, you either bear with them or move out.

What your parents say, or what somebody else says is immaterial. It is your life and you are free to lead it the way you want but within the bounds of the law. If people have a problem with having females in the house in the night, let them legislate a law to that effect.

Interesting problem though.

1 Like

Abdullah Usman Khan (Student)     01 July 2010

Mr. Agarwal. I haven't started ranting, I have just started replying to what I find totally inappropriate and unrelated said by people who have replied here. You for example. This is a club based on and around the Law. The Judicial System that is. And you have no regard for that at all. You are in your words telling me something which translates into, hey, let the law go to hell, you just tell me, will you neighbours in Saudi Arabia allow this? And will my parents be okay with it or not living in my apartment. 


You are being very stupid, and sadly, I hope you wont show your stupidity again, but you keep doing it. Here are your replies, please dont post after this. You have been of no help at all.



Just answer this one.

Well,  IF in  "Saudi Arabia",  your neighbours and your govt. allows over-night stay of   "different" non-relative Female friends, in your house in Saudi Arabia,  THEN logically that should be allowed in India as well.

I can't answer it because it isn't a question in the first place! It's just a stupid statement of sorts. But, to the above statement. I am not stupid like you. We have a legal system in place, and we have laws and rights and what not. I wont be like you and go comparing another country's law. Stop being an ape. Stop aping.


AND also answer this one.

YOU could try to ask your parents to Stay in your rented house for a month or so AND THEN let all your different Girl-Friends and Boy-Friends come over at 3 in the morning OR overnight stay  OR week-end stay  or whatever,   AND then see IF they are amicable to your friends visiting you at all odd house.    Forget the neighbourhood or the police.  LETs ALL know  what your parents say to your above activities.

Lets say, no, my parents aren't. In FACT, lets say, even not living here, they aren't comfortable with my having people over like that. SO?! According to something you obviously dont believe in, I am a MAJOR, i.e. not a MINOR anymore. I am 22, which, for your information, comes under 18 and above. I am an ADULT. I can by law choose to have whoever I wish at my place. The people have a problem with the visit, which is wrong. They cant. The could have a problem with something stemming from the visit, but there isn't any such thing like loud music, shouting, screaming, etc. Nothing. So please, stop showing me how stupid you are and how desperately you want to prove you aren't. You cant.

Abdullah Usman Khan (Student)     01 July 2010

Abdullah Usman Khan (Student)     01 July 2010

Wow! Thank you so much for you reply Mr. Hanumant Deshmukh. Finally ONE straight and simple reply that is totally to the point. Yes, that is exactly what I've been saying all along, and it feels good to finally see someone else say it too. Yeah, the mob mentality. It's a sad thing to see. I am angered later by it and saddened first. And yes, I know, that even what parents or anyone says, even the landlord, is irrelevant. It's allowed by law, and no one is above the law. So yes, I do have better things to do, I ant to try my bit in changing the neighbour's attitudes. And the thing is, it isn't even my immediate neighbours. They dont have a peoblem with me at all. It's some fool who think's he's a panchayat of some sort on the second floor (I'm on the Ground floor) So thanks, really, it really helps to see someone else say it all too. Though I verbally agreed to not have anyone visit me, my friend is planning to visit, and I am happy she is, and I hope everything I need to do I will get done when she comes. I'll post any real updates to the situation. Thank you again. And yes, interesting, it sure is! 

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     06 July 2010

Mr. Khan,

Besides  haibitually & chronically  "RANTING" ,    NOW you have even started "DROOLING",  because  Mr. Hanumant,  has replied to  "as per your liking",  AS you were begging for it so long.


ARROGANT & AGGRESSIVE ATTITUDE, towards the Society at-large.
You committed to the Police & Neighbours that henceforth you won't get girls to come and visit you at odd hours or for over-night stay.

Now  you say you are inviting a girl to come over to your place, as usual to visit you at odd hours or for over-night stay.


FURTHER :  I do not come to the LCI Forum, at your invitation   AND NEITHER I shall go away at your discretion.


STILL FURTHER : I do not mind whenever you address me as  "Stupid"  or  "over-smart" or whatever you please, depending on your capacity, education and the family culture/values  you were brought-up in.   Please continue to do so, whenever you have the urge to do so.


Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

Rajesh (System Admin)     21 August 2010

Dear  usman,

I had a similiar case as urs. two neighbours were complaining of  frnd of my sister visiting us. Even the girls mom stayed with us for a couple a week. They harraseed me to teh extent thaty i had no more desire to live with all these. They saied they will throw out of teh building.  we cant move out as we are the owners of the flat. 

So i wrote a letter if anthing happens to me my neighbours will be responsible. So police called the neighbours to the Police station and told them clearely that even if the whole of neighbours have objection they cant make us out of teh building. And said if theres anything wrong going on call teh police taht its.  OS from teh last one year i hadnt anyt problem, But 2 - 3 weeks they are harrasing by puncturing my car, and ddestroying my water tank etc. 

I dont know what to do ?

I cant think whats the society or police?  Is theis is teh INDIA we are heading ,,,,?????

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