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KK (N/A)     29 October 2011

How to deal with a corrupt judge

I had file a case in 2006 against someone who defrauded me more than Rs 15 Lakhs.  The court pronounced the judgment that the accused should be freed.

Explicitly, I have produced documents that has the accused promising me that he will return back my money. THE JUDGE TWISTS THIS AS GIFT.

In another document, there is more proof that the accused will credit my money back.  THE JUDGE SIMPLY DISREGARDS THIS.

When the accused tried to quash the FIR, the High Court judge had clearly pointed out these two documents indicated above was proof enough that the amounts were to be returned back.

I AM SCREWED NOW.  After almost 6 years, here I step forward two steps backward.....I AM FUMING WITH ANGER and FURY AT THIS ATROCITY.  HOW DO I GIVE IT BACK TO THIS CORRUPT JUDGE?

 21 Replies

KK (N/A)     29 October 2011

And what is the point in having a judicial system in the first place.  Why not simply have the Judge find out who is willing to part with more money and decide his judgment right away. Why wait 6 years to hear this cock-and-bull nonsense.

deb (others)     29 October 2011

corruption is the best policy in indian culture, think the macc case--- percentage of money is taking .... who?who?...  answers are known everybody but if you tell or sought it is guilty and punishable!!!!! mera bharat mahan????? remedy for corruption in judiacial system and no legal arrengement/step against corrupted person  in judicial system have.....ok

Ramakrishna (member)     29 October 2011

since judiciary is kept aloof from executive the only thing is to reach the media persons for a better solution

Democratic Indian (n/a)     29 October 2011

Originally posted by :Ramakrishna
" since judiciary is kept aloof from executive the only thing is to reach the media persons for a better solution "

Ideally executive, legislature and judiciary should be kept seperated completely so that there is no nexus between them. So that each of the three wings of government can balance and correct each other. If there is nexus between them, tyranny commences. Then citizens can happily say a big goodbye to justice and liberty. This is exactly what seems to be going on in India since 1947. Before 1947 the situation was even worse.

On papers, in India executive, legislature and judiciary are seperate, but in practice the situation is opposite. Read my reply with actual example at

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     29 October 2011

He might be corrupt judge, but you need solid proof that he is corrupt.  If you go thru., the media they requires documentary proof or other proof so they can use it.  Mere referring judgement doesnot sufficie

Alok Tholiya (self employed)     29 October 2011

Salary , infrastructure,facilities to judges and court staff is not up to the mark. So most often a failure advocate tries to become judge as as atleast he can make some buck this way and that way. Besides in all appointments bureacrats and politicians have their hand. If honest judge come then they will be behind bar and wont be able to make 1000+ crores. Why so many petty offendeers became big mafias?? The courts release them on bails quickly and police reduces / weakens charges and goct pleader is too happy to get  share from booty of criminals to not to argue case effectively. I am surprised u were not aware of all this. Make emails/ circulars / posters and give details of case and circulate without making it defamatory.


Complain to the CJI but nothing will happen. Wait till he retires and find a way out framing him. While waiting gather evidence of his corrupt practises and the moment he retires lodge a F.I.R against him.

1 Like

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     29 October 2011


vasant kulkarni (DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER)     29 October 2011




you can always appeal until SC... just talk will not help... evidence must... you may be right but court see evidence not emotions... have patience think it over and continue fight next 6 years... dont worry you will get it with double interest...  if the other guy has assets pull his assets into court depository and you can enjoy the ride...

RAJIV BHASIN (ADVOCATE) (Bhasin Legal Consultants(SOLICITORS & ADVOCATES) 9811210505)     29 October 2011

Dear KK,

Unless you have documentary evidence in your support, don't take any step. Take certified copies of all documents filed by you as well as opposite party during trial of your case. please check thoroughly all documents relied upon you during trial and also file those relied upon documents which supports before appellate court as mentioned by you. keep patience you will definitely win.

Thanks & Regards

Rajiv Bhasin



9811210505, 9868635640


Establish judicial bias in superior court[s]. Files attached.

Attached File : 141100 220250 33 swedishdeterminationofbiasedjudges.pdf downloaded: 135 times


Another JPG file attached.[Judicial Bias in Canada.]

Attached File : 141100 220251 4 biasedcanadianjudges.pdf downloaded: 127 times

J. P. Shah (RTI & CONSUMER ACTIVIST)     30 October 2011

Best way is to file an appeal.

You can ask through RTI as to how many judgements of that judge have been reversed in appeal, number of judgements given, number of appeals preferred against judgement of this judge, his assets statement. All these data you can seek for last 5 years. This will put him on alert, including other judges. You can ask your friend to file RTI seeking these details, so that you are not linked to this RTI.

I am not sure if there is system of audit of quality of judgements in courts but if it is there you can seek its report.

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