I am going thru dv and divorce. Wife is saying that I never spent any money on the house, and she always had to ask for money from her parents after being harassed for money by me. Along with other absurd claims of hers.
3yrs back I had a stroke, am unemployed since then. Hence arguing my own cases. Now first five yrs till my stroke, I was earning and all my salary was going into running of house. Wife did some part time volunteer work for a couple of yrs, used to get 5k p.m. She saved it up and made an investment in her name 5yrs back.
All thru my life since I started working, I have not touched my own parent's money, and also wife's money. So forget about her parent's money.
Now this will be reflected in my banking records, PAN records, and IT records. And my wife's similar records. These various financial institutions keep these records for people.
How can I request the court to take them out for me and my wife and see my innocence and my wife's lies? What is the procedure for making such a request to the court? Thanks in advance..