I was purchase idea net setter from a employ of idea company they provide me the number and dongel....then i never used internet on that and i also tell them that i dnt wnt to use internet so please cancel my card because i have allready purchase dongal and card also..and i also paid inr 999 forthat net setter...then in the monthof end they tellme that you have bill of 2400 rupees ...i shocked...and tell them i allready request forcancellation then why you send me the bill...so i not paidthe bill after one year they call me that we send notice with delhi high court..and they herras me for bill..if i not used the internet then why i pay bill for it today they said me you have to pay 3100 rupees..help me agains idea...there employes are also totaly faked people..and for them promotion and kamishen they totaly put us in problem...please help me they said i am from delhi court and all