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Nyaayapriya (Advocate for justice)     21 November 2010

Injustice to harassed husbands

The family court judges are least bothered about the petitions, objections, written arguments etc filed particularly by the husbands. They overlook salient points of the depositions of the husbands and which definitely favour the husbands. There are several instances wherein such glaring, conspicuous and perhaps intentional blunders are committed by the judges.

I have seen the Principal judge of the Family court of the leading information technology city in South India snubbing the husbands, not allowing them to speak (though logically), always negotiating the female advocates with a smiling face and heeding to their 'instructions' of unneccessary and unjust adjournaments etc.

I have also seen the same judge completely turning a blind eye towards all the vital points in depositions which are in favour of the husbands and underlining only those which are in favour of the erring wives and passing judgment accordingly.

The same judge is noted for decreeing what is not sought for the by the parties.

Very tragic indeed!!!!!!!!!!


 13 Replies


Bahut dukh hua ye sab jankar.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 November 2010




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Nyaayapriya (Advocate for justice)     21 November 2010

keval sunkar he aapko itana dukh huva hai to usko anubhav (sufferer) karanevaale ko kitana dukh ho rahaa hoga?

keval lip simpathy se kuch nahin chalega saab. Aap aur ham sub logon ko milkar kuch solid karna hi hoga.

harassed husbands ka uddhar karna hi hoga.

Aap kya kahenge?

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     21 November 2010

sir rajnikaanth se baat karo. he fought in andha-kanoon and now he is a robot .

1 Like



I have already exposed  how Munna is Muuni

Some other members commented the other day that how s(he) is suspect of  being another gents awatar. and how they play THANKS game thanking theselves

So just react the say way  you must have been reacting  to growling/barking  of street DOGS -- IGNORE. Better shown him a DANDA.. and warn to KEEP OFF.

And the impartiality you have pointed out is well documented.... if I rember correctly, one of the  judge were seriously reprimanded and there are enough examples where other judges have compormised our great country law for personnel favors.

I think, prudent step to tackle the situation,  is to to find  way(s) to beat the judge in his/her own game - will it be possible to expose  judge with some concrete evidence? or if not.. device strategy, even it mean hiring woman lawyers/junior lawyer so that you get  justice. 

Vishwa (translator)     22 November 2010

Dear Nyayapriya,

Thank you for pointing out this anomaly and injustices. Except in rare cases, most of these judges are really arrogant, supercillious and stupid idiots conceited with the unbridled power placed in their hands by - ulitmately - unwitting citizens of the land. Their knowledge of law is strictly limited and they do not believe or deliberately ignore that it is necessary to act strictly according to law.

I was also facing this problem. Luckily for me, the judgements against me were promptly overturned by the High Court, wiping off the smirk from the face of asinine idiot judge

Keep up the good work


Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     22 November 2010

vishwa sir , family courts show a little outer bias towads females, but while delivering justice they go by pleadings facts and evidence only.

by the way try to sleep at night. good night :)

Nyaayapriya (Advocate for justice)     23 November 2010

The judgments and orders passed by the Principal Family Judge are so vague, confusing and contradicting. I can quote many such wherein the first paragraph contradicts the very next para.

They do not take seriously into account any point which favour husbands.

Added to this is they imagine things for themselves in favour of erring.wives.

The irony and tragedy is that a Principal Family Court Judge who is known for funny and ridiculous and partiality judgments was honoured and felicitated (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????) for writing (confusing, non sensical)  judgment in the local language.

God only should help harassed husbands!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamal Grover (Advocate High Court Chandigarh M:09814110005     24 November 2010

Dear Nyaayapriya,

It happens everywhere not only in family court but from lower court to supreme court. Now  a days corruption is spreading in the roots of our justice. I feel all these things and want to stop but we are helpless coz wars and wards of the judges at one side of the bench and judges are on other side then who will decide that both of them are wrong.

Somewhere judges decide as per their wars and wards and some times they see the females or some other allurement on the bank of bench.

Ms Avinsh might not appear in the court else she must feel the same difference.

The solution is only one, we have to be strong in law so that no judge can ignore your plea and if ignore then his post of judge should be in danger through your comments before higher authority.

Secondly we have to collect some evedence against these judges and put it before Chief of Suprem Court and press and parliment.

You may get any guidence from me coz i had already made myself so strong and now judges never over look my comments.

Good luck

1 Like

Nyaayapriya (Advocate for justice)     24 November 2010

Thank you very much for your realistic and optimistic views.

Atlast I have found ONE who has reacted to the realities of the family court and matrimonial laws.

I see learned counsels and other experts keeping mum, diverting and deviating from the questions or avoiding questions pertaining to harassed husbands, exhorbitant maintainance amount being looted by the erring wives, the state of hapless husbands, rule of whimsical judges, matrimonial laws full of flaws and partial to women et al.

Will you please do something at least to do some little justice to the harassed husbands. I am ready to extend my fullest cooperation.

Nyaayapriya (Advocate for justice)     24 November 2010

Mr. Groverji, I had posted this elsewhere under this portal.

Award to Family Principal Judge!!!!!!!!!


The judgments and orders passed by the Principal Family Judges are so vague, confusing and contradicting. I can quote many such wherein the first paragraph contradicts the very next paras.

They do not take seriously into account any point which favour husbands.

Added to this is they imagine things for themselves in favour of erring.wives.

The irony and tragedy is that a Principal Family Court Judge who is known for funny and ridiculous and partiality judgments was honoured and felicitated (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????) for writing (confusing, non sensical) judgment in the local language.

God only should help harassed husbands!!!!!!!!!!!!

But as I expected, do you know, there is no response and reaction from any quarters.

Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     26 November 2010





Marriage: The other side of the coin

By : ROHAN on 14 December 2008 Print this

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As per the suicide statistics by National Crime Records Bureau for the years 2005 and 2006, close to 52,000 and 56,000 married men committed suicide respectively. Marriage is indeed a step toward family foundation, but can it substitute life itself?.


MARITAL PROBLEMS have started contributing to modern day stress in a big way. Day in and day out we hear cases of people succumbing to marital problems with the growing numbers of suicides among married people, especially males. As per suicide statistics provided by the National Crime Records Bureau for the years 2005 and 2006, close to 52,000 and 56,000 married men committed suicide, respectively. And the same years noted a splurge in the number of dowry harassment cases filed as reflected in the number of such cases filed – 58319 and 63128. Coupled with that, if a study conducted by Center for Social Research on the conviction rate of such cases is anything to go by, shockingly, there is only two per cent conviction in such cases. This means 98 per cent of such cases are false, and thus a false claim of dowry harassment was made. Not only that, based on that false statement, the husband and his entire family was arrested, put behind bars, made to cough out huge amounts to get a bail and had no choice but to fight a legal battle in an otherwise defunct and dead judicial outreach. They were also subjected to malicious prosecution. For the charge of dowry harassment being false, the concocted stories of alleged torture would also bear no ground. Having thus said, section 498A of Indian Penal Code, being heavily misused has actually turned out into an assassin’s weapon rather a protector’s shield as rightly pointed out by the honourable Supreme Court of India. Instead of making families, it is breaking families, for any woman who has falsely implicated her husband and in–laws in a false criminal case has lost their trust and the marriage has been dead for all practical purposes. A recent study in Mumbai claimed 40 per cent of marriages registered in Mumbai end in a divorce. And most of such cases involve filing of a false dowry case in order to get a quick divorce with a hefty alimony. Unscrupulous girls, supported by ill–minded parents, especially mother, pampered by a biased legal system that is highly de–sensitised to husbands (read married men) have found this as a very easy way to earn tax–free money. And to add, all of these so called marriages are performed on some auspicious date/time in consultation with some purohit/pundit etc. One can remember times when marriages could last so strongly for ages down the memory lane, and those too were conducted on some auspicious date/time in consultation with some purohit/pundit etc, what has changed so drastically in recent times that marriages have become a source of business opportunity for women and a source of ignominy and stress for men? Save Indian Family Foundation, the single largest Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) committed to the cause of spreading the message of ’gender equity’ and ’family harmony’ in addition to providing free legal, moral and psychological support to the victims of false dowry harassment and ’domestic violence’ cases, receives on an average of 200 calls per week over its various helplines spread all over India and abroad from battered and harassed men who are either victims of the misuse of these laws or are subjected to ’domestic violence’ at the hands of their wives. Have we come to a point in time when we need to consult a lawyer rather than a pundit or a purohit to decide a marital knot? Especially, a male does need to do so before tying the knot. For if the marriage does not work, which is quite possible in today’s dynamic socio–economic scenario, he will have to bear the brunt of the fallacy. A false case lodged with the help of the corrupt police force, sleeping judiciary and mercenary lawyers robs the man of his health, wealth, life, career and happiness. Even with a low conviction rate, the mental trauma that the man and his family including his mother and sisters and his father and other relatives undergo cannot be described in words and is by no means less than actual conviction. But does life end there? Is the end of marriage, the end of life? Perhaps yes, but probably no. Looking at the alarmingly high and surprisingly suppressed suicide statistics of married males as mentioned in the first paragraph, it is probably true that for married males, the end of a marriage is end of life. But seeing the spirits of a few thousand volunteers at Save Indian Family Foundation, reality shifts. Here people have not only gathered strength to fight against the system and stride against the tide, but have also developed high amount of positivity in their life and learned to remain happy despite a despicable and pathetic married life. Marriage can definitely be the first step towards family foundation but cannot substitute life itself. Life is too big and diverse and there are many things to be done in life than to waste it in crying over the split milk called bad marriage. The volunteers at Save Indian Family Foundation have taken cudgels against not only the biased laws and their faulty implementation but also against the mindset that a woman will not break away from a marriage without justifiable reason. This is a bitter truth, which the society needs to know, imbibe and live with, till the time it refuses to change itself.


Source : msn,




I have certain suggestions to preserve families and to save them:


·          No maintenance till guilty is proved and if husband is ready to reconcile and bear all the expenses of wife and children if she re-joins him.


·          No maintenance  and alimony in the 2nd marriage if she has got it in the first divorce.


·          No maintenance if she can maintain her or her parents can maintain her and if husband is ready to take her back.


·          Compulsory mediation for avoiding long legal battle.


·          Law should be such that both husband and wife try to reconcile .


·          Law should not be favoring anyone to ensure that marriages are saved.


Domestic Violence complaint/FIR must not be registered after 24 hours of alleged incidence as today girls and their families tries to black mail the husband and his family to agree to their demands and if not agreed then they file the case after even many years.



Bhaskar for SOCIAL JUSTICE (Legal & Social Activist)     29 November 2010


As per the National Crime Control Bureo about 98% cases of women harrassment are false and conviction is only in 2% cases.Supreme Court itself has remarked many times that these laws needs to be changed as they are not balanced.

The only way is to file petitions which these judges are blocking by giving biased orders.


Dont worry now you can file geniune petitions without any fear from these biased judges.The text is given below for acting fast with total sincerety:



Petition praying for amendments in Section 498A of IPC.

By : Legal Fighter on 28 November 2010 Print this



Petition praying for amendments in Section 498A of IPC.


The Committee on Petitions of the Rajya Sabha, under the Chairmanship of Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Member, Rajya Sabha, is considering a petition praying for amendments in Section 498A of Indian Penal Code, 1860. The petitioner in his petition has pointed out the extensive abuse and misuse of this provision of the Penal Code. According to the petitioner, the abused population undergoes tremendous harassment and torture. As these provisions of the penal code presently go, a complaint without much authenticity or any weight of evidence is enough to arrest the husband or the in-laws or anyone else named in the complaint, irrespective of whether any crime has taken place or not. The petitioner, accordingly, has prayed for suitable modification in section 498A of Penal Code so as to check its abuse and protect the interest of innocent persons.

2. The petition is available on the Rajya Sabha's website ( under the link: Committees Standing Committees Committee on Petitions Petitions with the Committee.

3. The Committee has decided to undertake consultations with a wide cross-section of the society and invites written memoranda thereon. Those desirous of submitting memoranda to the Committee may send two copies (each in English and Hindi) thereof to Shri Rakesh Naithani, Joint Director, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi – 110 001 (Tel: 011-23035433(O), 23794328 (Telefax) and E-mail: latest by 30th December, 2010.

4. Comments/suggestions, etc. submitted to the Committee would form part of its record and would be treated as confidential. Any violation in this regard may attract breach of privilege of the Committee.

5. Those who are willing to appear before the Committee besides submitting written comments/suggestions may indicate so. However, the Committee’s decision in this regard shall be final.

Source : Rajya Sabha Web-site,

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