Can wife claim Interim Maintenace for the child on the basis of Child support plan and support plan for herself??
Hi i have been give a long list of child support plan and wife support plan ie: It is a plan to maintain herself and the child without any documentory evidence accept school expenditure. She claims her self a destitute AND her parents retired cannot bear the burden on both of them. She has termed the child support as a PLAN so as to prove that she wants to spend on these items and cannot support any documentory proofs as they are meare future expenditure
for Eg: She need Medclaim,LIC,Car,Entertainment,Birthday Celebration,Branded Items for the Child which i cannot afford as I earn only 22000/-P.M and she claims that i earn 22 lacs per month which is false and has not been proven.
The child is the same school during our cohabitation
I have filed resitution against her Divorce u/s 13(1)(i)(a)
My case is up for hearing on CHILD SUPPORT PLAN. How do i defend her whimsical & exhaustive claims made without any relavant support