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Is Hindi use compulsory for Central Government servants?


Is Hindi language compulsory for Central Government servants ?


A case is reported that a Central Government servant here in Mumbai has submitted a leave application in English language. His officer has returned the same without sanctioning the leave with a remark on it that “Krupaya Hindi me Likhen” (Please fill up the application form in Hindi).


What is constitutional provision?

 38 Replies

Democratic Indian (n/a)     23 April 2011

Samudre ji Article 343 talks about official language. Copy of Constitution can be downloaded from

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Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 April 2011

Hindi cannot be made to learn forcefully in India. Under  Article 343 of our Constitution, it is clearly stated that both English and Hindi are official languages of the Country for all purposes. I think Ambedkar was aware that India is a nation of diverse languages and so, it is not fair to force people to learn Hindi in southern States. Hats off to him. And we can grow globally with English whereas knowing only Hindi is a barrier for development. 

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Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     23 April 2011

sir jee “Krupaya Hindi me Likhen”



PLEASE word is ther no forcefully!

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 April 2011

Sarvesh ji, please read the facts clearly. It says officer returned the letter. What does it mean? How dare he reject the letter with that note?

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Thanks Madam for reply.  Agreed to you. We are of the same opinion that can be seen in the following thread;


In the present case, I think a representation can be given to the officer concerned putting up the same leave application mentioning the Article 343, is it OK? or what the draft should be copies of which can be sent to the administation for not to repeat such insistence fro any employee? 

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 April 2011

Let the representation be made in a soft manner first. Ask him to give the provision which says only Hindi is official language. If he fails, then he should accept the letter. :)

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There are south Indian women also working and facing same problem that officers insisting to submit all kind of applications, TA claims etc. in Hindi to get the bills passed at earliest but they do not resist just to avoid any consequental problems in routine work.

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Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 April 2011

To fight back or to surrender is always left to the option of the party. I have made the provision of Constitution clear as a lawyer. There will be harassments if one does not have guts to fight for his/her rights. I conclude my opinions on this thread by this.

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Thanks. I will get printouts of this thread and will send the same to distibute in all the employees.


And YES, sending a letter from DRF to the Geneal Manager of the department to issue instructions to all concerned to give honour to constituional rights of their employees which they have as a citizen and not to trea them as a personal servants at their house.

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Suchitra Madam, your detailed opinion is also available here in the following thread which is useful in this case;


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343. (1) The official language of the Union shall be

Hindi in Devanagari scriptt.

The form of numerals to be used for the official

purposes of the Union shall be the international form of

Indian numerals.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in clause (1), for a

period of fifteen years from the commencement of this

Constitution, the English language shall continue to be

used for all the official purposes of the Union for which

it was being used immediately before such


Provided that the President may, during the said

period, by order1 authorise the use of the Hindi language

in addition to the English language and of the Devanagari

form of numerals in addition to the international form of

Indian numerals for any of the official purposes of the


(3) Notwithstanding anything in this article,

Parliament may by law provide for the use, after the said

period of fifteen years, of—

a) the English language, or

b) the Devanagari form of numerals,

for such purposes as may be specified in the law.

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Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     23 April 2011

It is a pathetic situation in country like India where we have plenty of reasons to spread our hatred and debate between Hindi and English is one of them among others.The language of our MASTERS have been accepted to be the permitted language by our Constitution but at the same time it mentions about Hindi also but people enforce their right on English only.I am not in favor of HINDI as national language, no matter it is my mother tongue and we are neither Pakistanis or BanglaDeshis to have proud in their National languae though Urdu and Bangla was imported from India and a proud nation of their tongue Bangla is the creation of a nation.

We can enslave ourselves to English but not to our own mother tongue but is it really English the globally accepted language then how about the Europe,Middle Eastern countries,African Continent especially the North, most of the time controlled by the France,The south east nations,The south America or many more.

Ms.Suchitra, please being educated has made you so arrogant that you forget the manner to address a departed soul respectfully.

God save my country where people talk of unity in diversity but fight on every issue.

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 April 2011

I have been talking about legal issues with respect to legal provisions Mr. Om Prakash. I do not have any say on any other issue you refered to me. Whatever issue we have, has to be dealt with reference to our Constitutional provisions. Nothing is Supreme for us other than that. 

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     23 April 2011

Oh Yah, Ms. Suchitra, we do really respect our Constitution.That's why  we hate  each other in the name of Language,Caste,Creed,Colour,Region,Religion,Rivers,Seas and every other issues which doesn't suit us.Iam no stranger to the coastal habitat of India which comprises of Tamil Nadu,Kerala,Andhra Pradesh,Podduchery etc being in the Indian Navy and I know the nerve of the poeple.

I am not into debate for RajBhasha or RashtraBhasha as Hindi but I am for Hindi as my mother tongue and you or you constitution has no right to impair my right and if need be the constitution of India to be amended because it has lost its credibility in the present scenerio and ofcourse lawyers fraternity are expert in bending every law, every rule, every quotation, every proverb to their convenience and how can Ms. Suchitra be exception.And I must request  Ms. Suchitra to be respectful to the departed souls while addressing them because it is an Indian tradition. 

Long live our pseudo unity in diversity.

God save my country of hypocrites.



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