Hi, I absonded from my organization in 10th day of training and I want to know up to what extent my company could take any disciplinary or legal action against me. I did not gave them any information or I did not served notice period and stopped going. I know I would be terminated and also blacklisted for that company. However apart from this, I want to know what legal or disciplinary actions could be taken against me. Can they file a law case against me, or can they drag me in court. Or can they publish my name in job market that I am an absconded employee.
Few points from my offer letter :
Notice Period/Termination
(a) Your services may be terminated by either party, giving notice in writing for one month or payment of salary in lieu thereof. The Company reserves the right not to accept salary in lieu of notice.
(b) The Company reserves the right to terminate your employment without notice on grounds of breach of policy or misconduct.
(c) Absence for a continuous period of eight days without prior approval of your supervisors (including overstay of leave/ training) can lead to your services being terminated without notice.
(d) Upon resignation or termination, you shall immediately return to the Company all the assets and property of the Company including documents, files, books, papers and memos whether in hard or soft copy which is in your possession or custody.
Confidential Page 2
(e) Subject to the disciplinary rules applicable to you, your services are liable to be terminated without any notice if the Company is informed of any previous conviction by a court of law involving moral turpitude or if any particulars given in your application form / interview are found to be false or incorrect. You will also be liable to make good the losses, damages that the company may suffer due to any omission or commission on your part.
Disciplinary Actions
You will be governed by the disciplinary rules of the Company as amended from time to time.
I dont have any issues if company terminate me, but I am afraid of legal or disciplinary action. They have sent me show cause letter as well stating that if I do not report to duties, disciplinary action will be taken against me ex parte.