Ab imo pictore (L) => from the heart’s bottom
Ab incunabulis (L) => from the cradle
Ab initio (L) => from the beginning
Absente reo (L) => the accused being absent
A capite ad calcen (L) => from head to heal
A dato (L) => from date
Ad extremum (L) => to the last
Ad finem (L) => to the end
Ad hoc (L) => for that special aim
A die (L) => from that day
A hominem (L) => personal
Ad litem (L) => for a suit
Ad literom (L) => to the letter
A’ la lettre (Fr) => to the letter
Ad manum (L) => ready
A’ la main (Fr) => ready
Affaire d’amour (Fr) => a love affair
Aldee (Fr) => a village
Amant (fem. Amante) (Fr) => a lover
Arbitrium (L) => power of decision
Audi alteram partem (L) => hear the other side
Audita querela (L) => the suit having been heard
Biennium (L) => period of two years
Billet d’ amour (Fr) => love letter
Bon avocat mauvais voisin (Fr) => a good lawyer is a bad neighbour
Brune (Fr) => a dark girl or woman
Burchen schaft (Ger) => an association of students
* L => LATIN
* Fr => FRENCH
* Ger => GERMAN