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rocky   13 July 2016

Live in relationship legality

wat is the legality of live in relation and wat is the legality of children born during live in relationship.plz give some suggestions.

 4 Replies

H.JanakiManohar Rao (lawyer)     13 July 2016

Live in do not give any legal status to both.Her status is concubine and her children will get share in the property of the person

JustAdvisor (IT)     13 July 2016

please refer Indra Sarma vs V K V Sarma

Following are tests - 

1. Duration

2. Shared Household

3. Pooling of Resources

4. Domestic Arrangement

5. Sexual Relationship

6. Socialization (holding out in public)

7. Intention and Conduct of Parties

Other important case law is D. Velusamy v. D. Patchaiammal



A walk alone (-)     13 July 2016

Live in do not give any legal status to both. There is no problem in live in untill she dnt have problem. Her children will also get share in property of that person . But live in is also not safe once she had problem she can drag that person in many cases

Vibha   14 July 2016

  1. You both don't need to get a divorce decree from court if such relationship fails. 
  2. For all other legal purposes the couple is equivalent to a married couple.
  3. Rape under false promise of marriage is nowdays a very popular flavor of police cases. There is high risk of this in live-in relationships.

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