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Sunny (Other)     03 August 2012

Marrying a christian girl

If I marry a Christian girl, and in case we want to divorce later on, what are the Terms & Conditions in this case as per law? I, of course, don't want to give any alimony or share any assets if we get divorced ..... and neither will i ask for anything from her.

 7 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     03 August 2012

If you go for terms and condtions, the marriage amounts to contract.

Naveen Kumar (service)     03 August 2012

In case You want to divorce later why do you want to  marry that girl, [Dont think Negative] if in such case why cant you think about living together. 

JANAK RAJ VATSA (ADVOCATE)     03 August 2012

thinking of divorce prior to marriage is perversive.

K.K.Ganguly (Advocate)     03 August 2012

You shall have to follow the enacted Acts related to marriages.

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     04 August 2012

Better do not spoil her vergininty and your being bacholer, if your thought process preceed likewise.

Sunny (Other)     05 August 2012

I'm quite surprised (in fact shocked) to hear the views of respected forum members.


Its quite clear that women are exploiting men by marrying and then divorcing them. We men too have a right to protect our self interests right? Or do you suggest we keep getting harassed by this horrible, stinking, one sided laws which our sorry country has to offer for Hindu men????


I will go in for a proper bullet proof pre-nuptial agreement, get it duly notarized so it's valid under the contract law. Plus since I'll be marrying a Christian girl, why should I force her to marry under Hindu marriage law? We're free to just marry in a Church right? No govt or country or law can stop us from doing what we want to do since we're both adults. 


I don't believe in the stinking Hindu marriage law since it heavily discriminates against men and treats us like animals

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     05 August 2012

1. Some days back you said to us that "world's new religion Islam" is best!

2. Today you shifting loyalty to Christianity!

We like such change of gear "piggy riding on Hindu Marriage Laws". After all since time memorial Hindus were / are the ultimate sufferers in the hands of invaders to modern day theologian just like you

Now let us shift focus to your gr8 “bullet proof prenups” raga discoveries;

First the bad news. There is no such thing as a bulletproof premarital agreement.  It is a fantasy that clients have based on the Hollywood movies and few popular western sitcoms that they see in mid nights.  No one can guarantee your prenup will hold up in court or that some judge somewhere will set it aside.

Now the good news. 
There are some things you can do to improve your chances that your prenup will withstand a challenge.  Among the first and most important of these is disclosure i.e. full disclosure

Today you have problem with your “impotency” then say so in the prenup. Because today i
f you fail to make a complete disclosure, your spouse may say he or she never would have agreed to the terms of the prenup if they had known your true ‘potency’ condition.  And this might be “just” grounds for a Court to invalidate the prenup. That is the beauty of Indian Contract Act J So on so forth I have really good sets of how to invalidate a prenup with me, shall I spell out rest of them? So never be surprised when certain Expert here say something in this aghast Legal portal websites, he has based his assumptions on some time tested logics and Experts in internet BBS sites are never meant to “please” a pleasing client for that in-chamber discussion with Consultation Fees is the right road map J  

BTW, all ‘you” that got mentioned in my reply are generic as usual. 

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