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Kapil (Principal Engineer)     19 November 2009

Maximum working hours per day as per indian labour law

Hi all
Any business undertaking which may be manufacturing or trading or Service (like hotels/hospitals) or Retailing (shops) or BPOs for these organizations what is maximum working hours for a day.

 If it becomes 24 hours in a day, what action can be taken for that organization as per indian labour law

Kindly guide me.

 40 Replies

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     19 November 2009

9 hours out of which 1 hour shall be g=for rest and in the given circumstances various actions can be initiated against such employer including the complaint to the labour inspactor of the area and the punishments under Indian Labour Law against such violation are sever in nature wihich may even go upto closure of the unit if it do not follow the rules.

1 Like

V.V.RAMDAS (Advocate)     19 November 2009

It is  8 hours not 9 hous as per the provisions of Minimum wages Act.

V. VASUDEVAN (LEGAL COUNSEL)     20 November 2009

Both my Ld. colleagues Mr. Makkad and Mr. Ramdas are correct. Mr. Makkad has righly included the rest hour in between the 8 hours. i.e. 4hours + 1 hour break + 4 hours.


Adinath@Avinash Patil (advocate)     21 November 2009


Sandy_1136 (HR. EXECUTIVE)     23 November 2009

Eight hour is maximum  working hours per day as per minimum wages act.

Rama mohan Acharya (Manager HR(Legal))     25 November 2009

If it is a manufacturing unit ,a factory under the factories Act, than the amximum working hours is 9 hours . further it may please be noted that no person is allowed to work for more than 5 hours at a stretch without giving a break of half an hour.

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Ramnath Naik (Legal Advisor)     02 December 2009

Dear friends,

the working hour's is diff from state to state, in karnataka it 8 hrs & spread over is upto 9 hours.  in some catogory of work it more also, which as to certified by the labour inspector.



Pragadeesh (Lawyer/Factory certification consultant/Cyber crime Analyst)     04 December 2009

yes! it is 8 hrs a day excluding lunch and tea breaks as per factories act.but ur question is maximum working it is 10 hrs for men and 9 hrs for women per day.



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Naresh Kumar (Sr. Executive)     18 December 2009

Maximum working hours are eight hours for offices and nine hours for factories. Half an hour break is given in cases of office staff and one hour break is given in case of factories workers as per law.

Mukesh Azad (9811368520)     21 December 2009

8 working hour means - 8 hours working, which not inclusive of lunch time and tea breaks

Sunil Agarkar (Consultant and Advocate)     21 December 2009

Dear Mr. Kapil,

your question is vary open ended.

its reply can be a thises covering not less then 5 acts. please note all my coligues have replied correctly.

if you want to know your real answer; nerrow down your question.

siddhartha (tx engg)     27 January 2010

My organisation is a leading telecom vendor in india, but its a chinese company. Off late the employees are made to work over 60-70 hours per week without any holidays for 20 days at a stretch and no extra compensation.Wat possible actions could be taken against the company and wat is the right way to go about it? please advice.

Mukesh Azad (9811368520)     29 January 2010

As far as Haryana state is concerned all the organisation except Retailing shops may be opened for 24 hours, but no employee will be allowed to work in those organisation more than 8 hours excluding breaks.

If any employer/ establishment/ organisation violates the above, they are liable for penal action.

Mukesh Azad, Labour Law Advisor

Shilpa (Recruitement Executive)     23 August 2011


I am working as a recruiter in a consultancy which is a sole proprietorship ans ISO 9001:2000 certified and our timings is 9 am to 6 pm, mon to sat with hulf an hour lunch time i.e 54 hours a week and overtime starts at 6:30 pm wherein our boss doesn't pay anything but compensates oue late coming it legal or not.....if not what action can be taken??????????

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