Dear Expert members,
Please find herewith draft Memorandum of Association of relilgious society in Marathi language. Please check the contents & documentation for better ways to get it initialized.
Pritam B Karade
Nagpur [MS]
PRITAM B KARADE (Lawyer - Practice) 15 September 2015
Dear Expert members,
Please find herewith draft Memorandum of Association of relilgious society in Marathi language. Please check the contents & documentation for better ways to get it initialized.
Pritam B Karade
Nagpur [MS] 971794 (Advocate) 15 September 2015
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 22 September 2015
Repeated query. You may consult a local lawyer for such clarifications.
adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer) 02 July 2016
Consult local lawyer. I can guide you for TOR of it.