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aanandi (associate)     17 January 2012

Need divorce from narcissist husband


I got married to a man, who recently I found out is a “Narcissist”. This is as per my study with his symptoms. I have gone through a lot of Emotional abuse, Mental torture and suffered a lot.

Within 6 months of my marriage I discovered that something is wrong with him and now I am apart to him. As the Narcissist holds a nature of “poor me” and all emotional drama and also can convince anybody that he is right, he has convinced people that instead of him I am wrong and incapable of many things. I have been a simple girl, couldn’t play smart, have no proofs against him.

Also he hacked all my accounts and logged in to my e-mail id and had all cheap talks to many people along with my male friends, based on which he used to and still blackmails me to prove me characterless, this act is really disgusting and embarrassing.

He sent me a notice for “Restitution of conjugal rights” along saying that I am incapable (me). Which I think a trick to not to give any maintenance to me.

I need your suggestions and help that how can I get a clear divorce and can be saved from him. As this guy has mental issues, which only I know and difficult to prove. What can be my positive points and how can I be saved.

Please help. Thanks.

 25 Replies

Bhawani Mahapatra (Law Officer)     17 January 2012

Dear Aanadi Till date, "Narcissist" is not considered as a ground of divorce. Also from your narration, it seem, you still lacks some good justified ground to approach to the court for divorce. There are certain specific ground, on basis of which a woman can file a divorce petition, Pl. contact your local lawyer, who can help you better.


better you consult with a psychiatrist. the testimony of psychiatrist will prove his narcicism beyond doubt. it will help you get a divorce.

you can file a divorce petition on cruelty ground.


ground for divorce in this case will be cruelty.

Damayanti (Unemployed)     17 January 2012

What are you looking for? Divorce or maintenance and alimony and then ok to break apart?



You can contest the RCR on the counter allegations of mal-treatment and insulting behavior etc which makes any person to feel deprived of his/her self esteem.

But youhave right to stay apart from abusive husband without asking for divorce due to social stigmas.


Nobody can compell you to live with husband if you have proofs and your case genuine.




But your defense should be perfect but you need not make any counter claim such as divorce by yourself.


Just maintain a stand that I do not want to live with the husband who is insulting and do not compell me to do so'


He shud not be made to take adv. of his own wrongs.


Also ensure that you don't be cruel to him voluntarily in the course of time although provoked to do so by him.



He wuld try to escalate the matter to a level from where it won't be ablle return back and try to end it quickly but negotiate a good deal from him on paper and in advance if obliging to concede for divorce.


If RCR is passed in his favour, once RCR is passed in his favour he won't give a damn to execute the decree . 


Even if either party would not make any effort to reconcile within one year BOTH parties become entitled to a clear ground for divorce. So RCR decree becomes an easy route to husband for winning a divorce.


So So as not to create this unchallengable ground, you have to forcefully contest the allegaitions in RCR.


IF you have seevere threat fom your husband and as a woman and her modesty, then no court would dare to pass RCR unless you give up and let it go ex-parte.




On first day of hearing ... do ask for interim maintenance , by an application, stating that you have no means and entitled for same lofe style and contest the case properly.


You would get legal costs and maintenance untill disposal of case.


Courts are supposed to do favour to female genders if they exhibit innocence





Fight the case properly.


Aishwarya (Teacher)     17 January 2012


Apart from legal hassles it would also be apt if u could take further pains to get him cured for his personality disorder , or ask some common relatives for their help to concentrate on ur hubby's mental health and for the time being doing away with his legal tantrums.

If possible in case, u wish for a reunion with him .

Moreover the fact is ,its not him who's against u, its his mental disorder which is working against u as uve put the whole situtation to be, a case of personality disroder..

2 Like


If the guy is ready to pay maintenance and alimony take that and leave him. No one can change one's behavior until and unless he/she himself/herself not interested.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     17 January 2012

Dear Aanandi

you can file a petiton for nullifying the marriage according to section 12 of Hindu marriage act and your best ground will be section 5 clause (ii) and section 12 (1) (b) of the act

feel free to call

A.VIVEK ADVOCATE (ADVOCATE)     18 January 2012

Hello if you want divorec you  can contact your advocate and have a pesonal discussion he will take care about your case  or if you want to continu   your family life contact your doctor he will take care about yor husband 

Agneepath (Software Engineer)     18 January 2012

If you don't want to live with him, just apply for divorce. Narcissism (loving oneself) is not at all a ground for divorce, and it DOES NOT mean cruelty. It just seems both of you are not compatible enough, and don't want to adjust. There is also clearly not a medical significance of what you have written, so what the above lawyers are saying, does not make sense. If you are not willing with him, just ask for divorce, why do you NECESSARILY want his money (maintenance)? Take divorce with dignity, otherwise both of the parties will be involved in so many frivolous and false cases that your individual lives will be destroyed. So, just talk (without falling in traps of lawyers who would tell you to file false cases for their money) and call it over. 

Like a dignified woman, tell your husband that you don't want his money, just want divorce. 

3 Like



"tell your husband that you don't want his money, just want divorce. "

On your above statement, i would like to know how many wives would agree on it ??

Good wife and ghost are similar...nobody have seen it :-)

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     18 January 2012

He need psychatic help and you can seek divorce on the ground of cruelty.





Shonee Kapoor

Agneepath (Software Engineer)     18 January 2012

Hi Shonee ji, 

What in the original post makes you think the husband needs psychatriac help? 

Also, you are well aware that every girl who wants divorce (for any reason, best known to her) would say that she has been given 'mental torture'. I don't know if that carries much weightage in courts. 

rajiv_lodha (zz)     18 January 2012

Yes.......we have read one side of the story only. Is the hubby really Psychiatric Patient or made so to get easy divorce. Rest, mental cruelty on this shaky ground is very difficult to sail with.


Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     19 January 2012

Dear Agneepath and Rajiv,


I believe in the dictum, "that the person seeking query is speaking the truth." It is not my job to judge someone's assertions.


If someone is telling a lie, he/ she would find my suggestions of no use.


She is as truthful as I could be on an open forum.





Shonee Kapoor


PS: My wife and her brother in past has sought advise using psuedonames, alas no benefit to them.

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