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S.Sabarinadh (Student)     23 March 2010

Opinion about the constitution

There is a common saying in many of the lower classes of constitution that " Our constitution is the lengthiest written and the best constitution in the world " Still we finds the appaling reality that the constitution which is spilled out of loop holes which makes it the worst and the most amended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 15 Replies

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 March 2010

The Constitution of India is an elaborate document and is the most voluminous Constitution in the world. Amendments and adding up of schedules ahve resulted in increased the volume further. An important reason for the extraordinary volume of the Constitution is that it contains detailed provisions regarding numerous aspects of governance. This was done to minimize confusion and ambiguity in the interpretation of the Constitution, another reason for its unusual lengthy is the incorporation of the good points of various constitutions of the world. The vastness of our country and its peculiar problems has also added to the bulk of the Constitution.

The Indian Constitution is neither very flexible nor very rigid. Some provisions of the Constitution can be amended by a simple majority of Parliament, like ordinary laws of the land while most of the provisions can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of Parliament. Owing to the changing times and needs of society, Constituion has been amended many times.  The length of our Constitution was reasonably more even at the time when it was adopted. Now, after incorporation of amendments, the length has been increased.

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Suchitra. S (Advocate)     23 March 2010

I dont accept our Constitution is worst .Criticising one's efforts is so easy. And it is a challenging task to provide at least reasonable Constitution for a vast nation with so much descrepancies with regard to culture, religion, customs, etc. It is we, the people of India, who are making our Constitution a failure.

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Gagan Gupta (Advocate)     23 March 2010

There is no need of vast details of the funcationality of organs of State in any Constitution. No need to mention age of judges or there numers and place of sitting in it, TSo many unnecessary details made it complex and voluminous which itself is disadvantage leading to confusion. The details which could be filled by framing rules or enacting Acts should not be in the Constitution.

It should mention organs of state( 3 essential and others), FR's, Inter state relations etc.

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     23 March 2010

i support mr gagan gupta's view.

from panchyet to president everything is entired into constitution.

seperate rules also are there on the same matter.

S.Sabarinadh (Student)     26 March 2010

Dear Suchitra
i was not criticizing the efforts laid down by many of the eminent personnels but i was just reminding the real face of the constitution which is a complete recipe of ambiguity and confusions in my opinion if you need to get the right scope of any article without considering any of the precedence you must have a big book on Interpretation of Statutes and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on your right side. It is a constitution in which the first clause says "you can do an act" and second clause says that" If it is rain you are not allowed to do that"....Now the truth is that it is always rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Altogether we have imparted a lot from various constitution but the made mixture is somewhat like petrol diesel mix ...............

Rekha..... ( Practicing lawyer(B.Com LL.M in Business law ))     07 April 2010

Dear Student if i m not wrong...Our constitution is flexible in nature. Amendments are there because the situations are arising in our country ,that needs changes always. Preamble is a very good instrument to understand our constitution. But its wonderful that u r asking question on constituion . thanks for that

Bharat Bhushan (advocate)     20 April 2010

Sorry Rekha  mam I personally vitiate from yr openion that our constitution is flexible. To maintain the federal or the union of states rigidity would be required. Only such things is flexable where the rights and the intrests of the federation does not violate.

I would like to amend you that our constitution is well blended with rigidity and flexibility.

Neha Tiwari (student)     20 April 2010

well actually our constitution is gr8 bt it is beeing missused....document is nt a problem...people having authority over the document are the problem...untill n unless civilians start participating in democracy... our rights r no where safe.... so all start  voting

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     20 April 2010

"our constitution is gr8 bt it is beeing missused." . Why it is being misuesd, since it has loopholes and it leaves scope of being misused. Even a presuure cooker and gas cylinder undergoes various tests, if it fails in any of those tests, it gets modified or abandoned. 

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     20 April 2010

in my opinion if you need to get the right scope of any article without considering any of the precedence you must have a big book on Interpretation of Statutes and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on your right side. It is a constitution in which the first clause says "you can do an act" and second clause says that" If it is rain you are not allowed to do that"....Now the truth is that it is always rain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Neha Tiwari (student)     22 April 2010

well evey system do have a loophole nuffin can b perfect...but the thing is these loopholes r beeing increased day by day coz of  missuse ... every system needs correction from time to time ...even i constitution too needs change but the thing is people having authority to do so r of no good use...a written text initself cannot b cursed even ambedkar cant b cursed....because at that point of time he too might b facing political pressure........

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     27 April 2010

now what i feel, instead of making one after one rule, parliament should pass - set of public policy - which will replace the acts/ rule.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     27 April 2010

Constitution is being amended as per the requirement(for the sake of vote- bank) of the ruling party.  Ex. creation of 9th schedule.


Hats off !!.. to Suchitra & Neha... U r d frontiers... go ahead with ur stand... Common man can hope that u r at front.. BUT... BUT... BUT... always keep it up and do not be influenced from outside.. Hope so!!!

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