I bought a plot from government. By mistakely they registered a plot on me which is not belong to me.can I change the plot number in my document through rectification deed
sandeep reddy 10 November 2022
I bought a plot from government. By mistakely they registered a plot on me which is not belong to me.can I change the plot number in my document through rectification deed
DEBASISH HALDER 11 November 2022
The terms "correction deeds" and "rectification deeds" are interchangeable. They are drafted in order to correct any mistakes in an earlier deed and are entered between two parties. Typographical mistakes, misspelt names, flaws in the property descripttion, and other mistakes in the execution of the papers can all be considered among these faults. A deed of confirmation may be used to later fix these errors.
The following are some prerequisites for a rectification deed:
(A) The mistake must be real.
(B) It must be unintentional and unintentional only
(C) The correction of it requires the consent of all parties.
So, yes you can change the plot number through rectification deeds