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xyz   01 June 2015

Police gunda raj


Recently we wentto file an FIR against my husband who beated me and threw me out of my house.When we went to police instead UP Police misbehaved in thana itself with me physically harrassed me and beated me and my family when they tried to stop one of the SSI who was harassing me. We were 4 ladies including my grandmother who is 68yrs old and patient of Cancer. And whole night we were kept in thana and wrong FIR was registered against us that we beated this SSI.This was one done just to save this SSI job. And we were sent to jail though I had 8 injuries which are already shown in medical done by government hospital.

After coming out we tried to filean FIR against him but police is not taking any action.

Please help we are not able to find the way how to get justice in this case. What can be done against this SSI.

 10 Replies

Advocate Lovkesh Gupta (Divorce Court marriage criminal civil lawyer in jalandhar)     02 June 2015

file complaint in the court

TGK REDDI (No designation)     03 June 2015

CC Cameras should be there in every room of police stations, courts, revenue offices etc.    They should work 24 hours a day.    Their recordings should be available instantly from any kiosk anywhere in India for any Applicant even without locus standi.

Aashish George (lawyer)     03 June 2015

lovkesh gupta has already answered your query but here are some ideas that you can use:

1) file a complaint with the magistrate

2) file a writ petition in the high court against the police official

3) there are organisation who help women in situations like these, kiran bedi ji has one, i forget the name though, google her and complain, she will help.

4) google your nearest human rights organisation and contact them

5) record their behaviour on your mobile phone video/audio etc and send it to the designated high court and supreme court and they can take suo moto action.

6) contact reputated media house and tell them to cover the story.

these are just a few things you can do, best of luck

xyz   03 June 2015

Thanks for the suggestions.

I have done registeries to Human rights and NCW but till now there is not much response.

I had recordings and pictures in my mobile phone but that data was deleyed by Police.

Will be filing a case in the court.


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     04 June 2015

NCW and NHRC are over loaded.  Tey will take time and start their job by getting report from Govt.  They will stop action when the matter gets subjudice in court.

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     04 June 2015

After exhaustive advice by Mr. George, nothing is left to add.  Follow every word he said to you.  But do not put hopes on National Human Rights Commission and NCW.  The offences perpetrated in your case require authoritative judicial intervention.   So, Please approach High Court under Writ jurisdiction.  As far as deleting the mobile record, there are scientific methods to recover them.  So, once to recover such evidence is necessitated, your advocate can take care of it.

xyz   04 June 2015

Right NCW and NHRC takes too much time plus they are always dependent on the Tanas for enquiry and again which will be done in the same thana where the incident took place. Hence, I am not counting much on it.

Yes but I guess Court or High court is the only right option left for me right now to get my FIR registered.

Thank you all for your suggestions.


xyz   04 June 2015

But I am not sure about the scientific methods to recover the data from the phone.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     04 June 2015

you have been advised well and seem to have a problem for every solution.

xyz   04 June 2015

No Sir I am not saying that I have problem from every solution. It was just mere discussion thing about which was going on in threads thats it.

Thanks for the advice.

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