Dear Sudhir and Abhinav
I have edited the fiels to remove my name, institute name, date of joining, and pay grade to hide my personal identity on the web.
My Appointment authority is Director. Since my Basic pay is more than Rs. 15,500, the appointment letter is issued by the institute only after getting it approved by head of Bord of Governace (GB) of the institute. The appointment letter contains the signature of Administrative officer (equivalent to registrar of the university).
My institute has 5 centers. Each center has one head and the head of my center is my reporting authority. All the center heads report to Director. We submit our ACR to head of our center. Our leave applications etc are also directily sumbitted to/ and secntioned by head of the center.
Each such center contains 5-6 labs and each lab have 2-3 scientists. From last 3-4 years, the Director is trying to create some form of hierarcy among the scientist in a lab by informally calling the senior most person as the lab incharge. (This hieracy is present in practise in name of lab discipline but any sort of written communication on this is denied).
I have seen the bye laws of my institute. The bye laws contains information regarding whom the director can appoint directly, whome he can appoint only after consesus of the Bord of governace, general code of conduct regarding applying other goverment jobs, notice period, transferable nature of job among given centers, format of appointment letter etc...A certain fraction of these rules are written in appointment letter also. Bye laws (it was an uncertified copy which I have seen) and the appointment letter contains no additional information regarding the probabtion.
I hope that it gives the overall picture of the hierarcy of our institute. If you think that an unedited version of the appointment letter and the extension letter would be more useful in foumulating your opinin, I can upload that here or can email that to you.
Thanks to you and Abhinav for the useful advice.
Warm Regards