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Mr. Dhruv   16 December 2016

Sec 279 in a parking lot

Dear lawyers, I accidentally scrached a parked car while backing my car. There were a few negligiable scraches and a minor damage on the bumper. But the car owner demamded that I go with him to the mechanic to incurr the charges for the repairs. They were 5 people all from a nearby shop and were pressurising me. I appolagetically told the owner that he keep my visiting card or copy of DL or RC, so that I could pay him the repair bill by cheque. I was sure they were going to demand unreasonable and hefty amounts. So I called in the police in distress. Now, the police said that I should settle it with them or he would impound the cars because I would be charged under Sec 279, of IPC. CAN HE CHARGE ME WITH THIS SECTION IN THE GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES? IS A PARKING LOT A PUBLIC ROAD AS READ IN SEC 279 IPC. CAN THE POLICR IMPOUND CARS? SHOULD THE POLICE LET ME SHARE MY CONTACT DETAILS WITH OWNERS, SO THAT I BE SUED ?


 3 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     17 December 2016

You are having a right to pay through your insurance policy.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     17 December 2016

Police will impound both cars.

Aashish George (lawyer)     18 December 2016

my god! why are you so scared? if its just a scratch? police can charge anyone with anything, delhi police is famous for its lack of knowledge regarding substantive laws (IPC), let them do so, its alright, it will be inconvenient to both the parties, and why are you so affraid of your car getting impounded, hire a lawyer, file an application, get the orders and get your car released. its not rocket science. its not gonna cost you a bomb and also, you will be discharged before you know it. so, relax, dont worry so much.

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