Aniruddha Misra 04 July 2017
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 04 July 2017
No. as per Society Registration Act, 1860 (amendment act of 2001), if any society is dissolved or dicided to dissolve, the movable or immovable properties shall be transfered to other society which has similar aim and objects through a court of law.
Aniruddha Misra 05 July 2017
Thanks for the information. But in this case, the educational institute (Name - "A") is an running institute and one other society (Name - "B") want to run it now in the same name i.e. in the name "A". What is the procedure to do so by conforming all legal specification of "B"? Please give me the detail whether it is possible or not possible. Thanking you again.