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Some one help

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@helpinghand : i am ready to compromise whatever u said that way. but my dear wife she is nt even ready to talk to me and even if i call her den she calls police and complaints againt me that i am harresing her. as of nw she is asking for divorce nthing else. she is nt ready to co-oprate with me at all. since last 20 days we have no talk with eachother. i sent many sms. called her many times but she has never bothered to reply any. only reply i got is reply to my notice where she has asked divorce.


@ bhavin:

1] ur posting on 19th june @ 03:54pm:   

I got married 5 mnths ago under special marriage act since our marriage we used to stay seprate at our parents home but used to meet every weekend and spent time. register marriage was kept secret and was nt informed to any of our parents and family till nw. our marriage is consummated. last week my wife told me forget me and forget our marriage and she destroyed marriage certificate copy and told me to forget her nw we r seprate and stopped talking to me and answering my calls, sms n all. she also told me nt to disclose our register marriage to any one and never talk abt it to any one and we both sud get married to sm other person as per family choice like arrange marriage and later i came to knw she got engaged to sm other boy as per family choice. i went to her home and informed abt our marriage to her parents and they also told me to forget her and forget marriage. nw she is nt ready to stay with me and wants divorce frm me. as nw parents and fmly is supporting her fully. can u tell me can she ask interium maintance from me ? she did nt stay with me a single day till nw. she told me she will file dowry case against me and fmily and domestic voilance case against me under 498a. can she do it ? also she told me she will prove in court that i forced her or made fraud with her to get married. like maine usko fasake marriage kiya he she wants to say that. i dont want to give her divorce and make her run for divorce i am ready to it too. can u help me what should i do in this case. i already sent her notice for coming back and stay with me just this week.


2] ur posting on 19th june @ 06:11pm.   


She did engagement but later said what prrof i have that she did engagement and later frm her neighbor i came to knw her engagement gt broken bt i am nt sure about it...also she is under pressure from her parents nt to marry me and should get married as per family choice in her cast...but till nw she kept all with me but suddenly in last 3 weeks she started behaving diff and brk relation with she is 28+ in age may be her parents forcing her to get married asap to their cast boy and she never told me all this she kept all within her and to save her family reputation she brk relation with me and agreed for arranged marriage as per family choice but on engagement night i went to her parents home and told everything about our court marriage to her parents and Nanu. same time i came to knw she did engagement but right nw sitaution is like everything messed up with her and me nw she is asking divorce from me and i am nt ready to give her but relations between us r allmost over she nw dnt even answer my calls, sms or reply to chats. even tdy i am rdy to take her to my home and start my life but she is nw nt at all interested to come with me. she just wants divorce. i want to save my marriage anyhow bt they r nt rdy to talk to me. waiting for me to take action as marriage is just 5 months old. i want to get saved from 498a dowry as they can file false case againt me to force me give divorce or prove in court that i made fraud marriage or ask for interium maintance from me.


3] ur posting on 19th june @ 09:40pm


i am also trying to arrange a joint meeting but they r nt interested in it...i am ready to take her my home but nw she is nt rdy for anything...i need to knw from u that if she gets married to third person before taking divorce from me den what happens ? or after filing my petition in court for conjugal rights and case in on can she get married to third person ? if she does what can i do ? i dont want to give her divorce...since we r staying seprate from past 5 months n after 1 year of seprate stay can she file a case for divorce ?


4] ur posting on 20th june @ 12:43pm.


I dont want to give divorce to her and rite nw engagement is broken. i knw she is nw nt rdy to stay with me and wants divorce from me but i want to give her smtime to think abt our relation i am anyways ready to take her my home but rite nw her parents n fmly members are brain washing her nt to continue marriage with me and supporting her to get divorce from me as soon as possible but real thing is diff she is actualy under pressure from parents and she doent want to break relations with her parents if she stays with me. as her parents will nt talk to her if she decided to stay with me. so due to all this she is nw nt ready. here what i think if i fight for nt giving divorce to her may be there are chances she or her family may talk to her or may talk to me for a i want to save mt marriage anyhow. she can file false cases i knw but she will also have to face all as i wont give up till my last available option. what i need to knw is what grnds can she ask for divorce as she has no valid reasons or proofs to ask divorce from me. she only has one option to file jointly for mutual divorce after 1 year which i wont agree so she can only file case for divorce in court so need to knw what are her chances to get sucess...


5] my suggestion/opinion: 20th june @ 06:27pm


@ Adv Archana  : 
m under impression tht RCR is like a pandora box. gives reason for one who initially hesitate to initiate bcoz of social prestige. u knw better thn me.

@ Nadeem Qureshi :
with due respect, i like to inform u tht nw a dys all r very clever and this is a basic knowledge tht no one can remarry w/o divorce.

@ Need Justice :  @bhavin

  1. the question u shld ask urself is - do u need a wife and marriage on paper or in real?
  2. Let the answer for this question, be your guiding star.
    appreciate ur reply but feel it would be still better if you gave its solutions also.

@ Bhavin:
with due respect to ur true feeling.
our marriage is consummated - is it necessary to inform w/o asking. who told u. fail to understand u people say like u win some medals.
 marriage was kept secret and was nt informed to any of our parents and family till nw - whn both side come to knw.
nw she is nt ready to stay with me and wants divorce frm me. as nw parents and fmly is supporting her fully. - mean to say before they were agreed ???
i already sent her notice for coming back and stay with me just this week. - on one hand u mentioned tht she tore the certificate thn on wht ground u issued a notice ?
She did engagement but later said what prrof i have that she did engagement - court require proof.
...i need to knw from u that if she gets married to third person before taking divorce from me den what happens ? or after filing my petition in court for conjugal rights and case in on can she get married to third person ? if she does what can i do ? i dont want to give her divorce...since we r staying seprate from past 5 months n after 1 year of seprate stay can she file a case for divorce ? - seems u hv done very good ground work before coming to forum.
 what i need to knw is what grnds can she ask for divorce as she has no valid reasons or proofs to ask divorce from me - since u hv good knowledge, assume u must also aware of it women have find no such difficulty as men have to file a divorce.



6] ur posting on 20th june @ 7:30pm


when i went to her residence her parents come to knw from me but before going to her residence i also informed my parents den went to her residence next day i shown marriage certificate copy to her parents which i got in duplicate from marriage registrar office. 

before they did not agree but her nanu agreed on terms that i should buy a flat and den her nanu will get our marriage done even if her parents nt rdy nanu will do everything required but later i said no as right nw can nt afford to buy a flat in a hurry of 2 months asked for time of 6-8 months but then they told me i am fooling them by asking moretime so later idea of flat was dropped from my side. 

original certificate she had but she must have destroyed but later i went to registrar office and got 2 true copies of marriage certificate and shown to her parents and same used to file a NC and send notice to her. 

i saw mehandi in her hands, foot, tilak in her forhead, decorated gate of her residence and her parents told me abt her engagement and she also replied me sms that yes i did sagai. but as of nw i came to knw from her neighbor that her engagement is broken god knws the reason as i dnt hv any idea abt it.


7] my opinion/suggestion on 20th june @ 08:11pm


we r seprate and stopped talking to me and answering my calls, sms n all.
 how it is possible - " she also replied me sms that yes i did sagai."

i saw mehandi in her hands, foot, tilak in her forhead, decorated gate of her residence and her parents told me abt her engagement and she also replied me sms that yes i did sagai. but as of nw i came to knw from her neighbor that her engagement is broken god knws the reason as i dnt hv any idea abt it.

is it not u actively behind this sad episode.


8] ur posting on 20th june @ 10:17pm


when i came to knw that she got engaged from her parents that time i sms her n asked u did sagai ? she replied yes thats it before that there were no replies to my sms sent in last many days... later i told her i am at ur home den she started sending me sms that go home, talk later, go nw n all...

also she did engagement in morning n gt broken same time but i went to her residence same day in the evening arnd 8.30 pm by that time everything was over but i was nt aware of it...but to save her daugther from me they told me wrong thing hat she got engaged today but the real thing was engagement brokn...later they told me we told u in anger that she got engaged even she told me same...and asked me to prove her engagement which i cant...but its for sure she did went for engagement but gr brkn but i am nt behind this for sure...


9] ur posting on 21st june @ 11:38am

@ Archana : Can you tell me one thing our marriage was consummated but if she denies the same then can she get divorce on such grounds ? also how can she prove the same...i feel if she wants divorce from me den she may try to use this ground...kindly suggest.


10] my opinion/suggestion on 21st june @ 08:51pm

@ bhavin: Can you tell me one thing our marriage was consummated but if she denies the same then can she get divorce on such grounds ? also how can she prove the same...i feel if she wants divorce from me den she may try to use this ground...kindly suggest. 

raise intelligent doubt.
well, tht she or qualified doc can justify ur claim after dna test


11] ur posting on 22nd june @ 02:59pm

@ Archana : I had sent her a notice to come back with set of 19 pts abt the facts what happnd during our i got reply from her stating that whatever stated in my notice to her is false n all is dreamt story and she denied everything in fact she replied to me that i told her before marriage that my house too small to accomodate her with my family so i will buy a flat and den will will stay together till that time we will stay seprate at our parents home....n also she replied that after sm mnths i started calling her nanu n asked for money to buy flat den she came to knw that i did merg with her for the sake of money n den she filed nc against me for same the i am harresing her n her relatives...n now she wants divorce from me and she will file for divorce in court as per law...well what ever she is saying is all false in reply as nw she wants divorce from me so she is trying to prove i made fraud with her for the sake of money....can u tell me she has to prove in court all this right ? that i promised her all this and asked for money from her relatives which is all fake...i will try to attach the notice i sent her and reply of her for your clarification


12] ur posting on 23rd june @ 06:06pm

@Sudhir : Our parents nt agree for our relation bcz of diff caste so we decided to go for register marriage and den inform our parents till den decided to stay seprate at our respective home.


13] ur posting on 26th june @ 12:04pm.

@Archana/Nadeem : Last week i had sent her notice to come back. I recd her reply and she has denied all allegations and said its a dreamt story nothing is true. infact she wrote that i made her many false promises and made her marry me like i will purchase diff flat n den will stay together till den will stay seprate. also she wrote i started asking money from her maternal grand father for purchasing flat and started harresing her n her relatives for money n she realised my intentions of marrying her was to exploit her for money. so she wants divorce now and she will file for divorce in court of law. well nthing in true in her reply. all a flase story to ask for divorce from me. but i am not at all ready to give her divorce. any inputs from you people. ?


14] my opinion/suggestion on 26th june @ 01:21pm

earlier u told tht u hv consumated marriage but is it sucessful ?.
otherwise why she ask for divorce  .....

if it is for new flat, thn it means her love & affection is for new flat. [ u forget to mention flat of hw many rooms u had given promise to get her marry ?].
indirectly u mean to say she married to hear ur story of a dream flat otherwise you might not have succeeded it.

ok. thn buy it. waiting for whom ? better spend your CRITICAL time with broker of flat and not here.
in this forum, who tell u no. go ahead. wish u best of luck


15] ur posting on 26th june @ 01:26pm

@Liar : I never promised her for new flat. she knws me very well and visited my present residence before marriage. also she wants divorce nt on real grounds as there is no such issue. she is under pressure from parents not to marry me and take divorce from me. she fears is she comes and resies with me den her parents will break all relations with her n will nt talk to her so she is asking divorce.


16] ur posting on 26th june @ 05:06pm


@helpinghand : i am ready to compromise whatever u said that way. but my dear wife she is nt even ready to talk to me and even if i call her den she calls police and complaints againt me that i am harresing her. as of nw she is asking for divorce nthing else. she is nt ready to co-oprate with me at all. since last 20 days we have no talk with eachother. i sent many sms. called her many times but she has never bothered to reply any. only reply i got is reply to my notice where she has asked divorce.


for the favour of your information ONLY tht u have not STICK to ur word. oh, sorry mean to say ur STORY.





@liar : My word/Story what u say is same but since i am nt wrting all details as to what happened with me so u might be getting confused. reading in parts as the post i am trying to keep to the point so that there is nthing unwanted in my post. but if smone asking den i am posting it in detail. i will try to attach notice i sent her, her reply to notice and again my reply to her reply. so that u will come to each n every aspect of my problem. basic issue is i dont want to give divorce as there is no such legal ground and she is asking divorce on flase grounds or forcing me divorce her by false allegations. which is all a lie to get divorce from me.

Originally posted by : Bhavin

@helpinghand : i am ready to compromise whatever u said that way. but my dear wife she is nt even ready to talk to me and even if i call her den she calls police and complaints againt me that i am harresing her. as of nw she is asking for divorce nthing else. she is nt ready to co-oprate with me at all. since last 20 days we have no talk with eachother. i sent many sms. called her many times but she has never bothered to reply any. only reply i got is reply to my notice where she has asked divorce.

Perhaps you forgot what I had told you.

Dont get afraid.  You go to police station [women's cell] tell them that your in-laws are not allowing you to meet your wife. File a complaint. Tell them that you fear going there alone, they will accompany you in civil dress to your wife's place, be there until you finish the talk.  

They can also call your wife's parents and ask them to sort the matter amicably as this is a love marriage.  Both ways, the women's cell will help you.  Other means are also there to make them dance to your tunes.


@helping Hand : i remember everything u told me. i am trying to get in touch with womens cell and will try to meet her as soon as possible. but as of now in my notice sent to her she has replied she wants divorce and will file for same in court of law as per law. i am going to reply to her reply may be today. right now things are very bad both sides. i am waiting for her to talk to me i feel she may call me or try to contact me once she re thinks about our relationship so i want to give her time. but in meanwhie i am trying to follow all steps as said by you.hope everything sorts out and settles easily.


@ helping hand : Perhaps you forgot what I had told you.

Dont get afraid.  You go to police station [women's cell] tell them that your in-laws are not allowing you to meet your wife. File a complaint. Tell them that you fear going there alone, they will accompany you in civil dress to your wife's place, be there until you finish the talk.  

They can also call your wife's parents and ask them to sort the matter amicably as this is a love marriage.  Both ways, the women's cell will help you.  Other means are also there to make them dance to your tunes.


nice backing. love ur assurance. think every 498-a victim love to hear it. only HEAR. till u gave them weapon to defense if not attack.

give thm some weapon [here solution] atleast they can defend themselves.
suppose girl say she won't like to see his face thn. no court or anyone can force her. since u r senior, u must aware abt all prevailed laws as well in stream one.


give me a practical hint of how to make thm dance. i love to hear it.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     27 June 2013

from every posting it is clear that she want divorce for the sake of her parents and not that you or your parents are harassing or not takeing care of her 

some times she agrees that she got married to you and sometimes she denies that she marrried you 

but overall it is clear she is not clear wheater she will come to you whole hearted or by force from your side 

alright now she come to you and stays with you and your parents you both lively happily and thus there parents accept you both is the big question why because after some days if she files any false or geninue cases about harassing and she demands divorce from your end or her parents will demand a ransom from you to give divorce who will come your rescue and for your parents who are only mute spectators to your ongoing life trumbles with your wife 

first make up your mind that you want to stay with your wife but think twice she should come to you with love not on force even if you file rcr forcing to stay with you and court gives her to stay with you but you one side and she other side staying in different positions will not give success to your rcr meaning 

and filing of police case complitcate your issue means afeter some days if she files false cases on you that you are harassing you mental and harassing your parents for dowry and even she has a threat of life if she stays with you = who will save you 

think twice now also there is ample time tp re think 


Apart from all legal things, answers etc..

Love marriage stands only on two people, just you and her.  Love, faithfullness and most importantly trust.

If both of you say that we are married and deeply in love, just take help of police, no force on earth can separate you both.

But here your party does not have a consistent mind.

When in times like this if that person is not standing by you, what is the gaurantee that she will be there with you always faithful for the rest of your life?

If either of the one is fickle minded and betrays out of pressure or out of any other societal cause, its better to forget that person and move on.

Decision up to you.


@liar : My word/Story what u say is same but since i am nt wrting all details as to what happened with me so u might be getting confused. reading in parts as the post i am trying to keep to the point so that there is nthing unwanted in my post. but if smone asking den i am posting it in detail. i will try to attach notice i sent her, her reply to notice and again my reply to her reply. so that u will come to each n every aspect of my problem. .


@BHAVIN : fail to hear. understand no one send bt at the same time no one offer it like u to every one UNLESS one is LIAR wht is my name in forum.

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