Many so called basic tenets have been destroyed. Marriage is no longer 'sacred'. The equality in partnership of marriage is a myth. What revolutionary has brought out I have been saying this for a long time! Many Indian laws are based on western laws. Several are copy- paste category. The relevance of maintenance and its form, amount, reasons etc are being debated in the west and elsewhere. West has seriously biased laws as well. The corrections are being applied slowly. Now why should the Indian laws follow the curve and not think relevantly to be ahead of the curve. Why not Justice, from the beginning? The so called woman giving up career to care at home is invalid. Unfortunately Indian 'modern wife' believes that it is degrading to do household chores and wants to keep maid, servant, driver etc while at the same time loathe work outside because husband makes enough! So where is the partnership? Not to mention the serious abuse the husband and inlaws have to take from them!
Not considering these factors is injustice to the husband and inlaws.
Suppose a rich man marries a poor woman and then finds her to be a bad woman-how is maintaining her in the same lifestyle, justice, that too after a few days or few months of marriage? There is no way of knowing physical, mental and emotional compatibility, in Indian context, before marriage! Earlier, they were forced to adjust and divorce was low. Families, relatives and friends chipped in to make marriage work. It was taboo to divorce. Now every street has divorced men and women and single parents. It has become common.he societal support for nuclear family is lost. Nobody would dare interfere lest they also get the taste of such great laws as 498a! This is really pathetic. In the name of fxing the system we have ended up making it so much messier-and the costs will be enormous.
People have married in India because divorces were uncommon.But now it is becomming common and hence these facts are coming out. Men shall be wary of marriages.
Maybe India should have Iranian style 'contract' marriages to test the waters, before getting into it? (just a joke guys)