Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide a notification dated 20.02.2020, to all the Corporates including Companies and LLPs both are expected and strongly advised to put in place an immediate plan to implement “Work from Home” Policy in their headquarters and field offices.
MCA has came up with a new web based form CAR (Companies Affirmation of Readiness towards COVID-19)
Due date of deployment and Filing is 23rd March, 2020.
Compliance Requirement of CAR - 2020:
All Companies and LLPs are Requested to report Compliance of this web based form. And Should be filed by an Authorized Signatory of the Companies and LLPs.
MCA Guidelines to File the MCA E-form: CAR-2020
1. Step 1: Enter valid CIN/ FCRN/ LLPIN/ FLLPIN
2. Step 2: Click on Pre-fill
3. Step 3: System will Pre-fill the name of the Indian company or a Foreign company or LLP or Foreign LLP
4. Step 4: Select whether Company/LLP is in compliance of COVID-19 Guidelines including work from home policy
5. Step 5: Select whether the Authorized Signatory of the Company/LLP who is providing the affirmation has a valid DIN/ PAN or Membership Number.
Note: Ensure that such authorized signatory is currently associated with the company/LLP.
6. Step 6: Enter valid DIN in case of Director/ PAN in case of other Key Managerial Personnel/ Membership Number in case of Company Secretary in full time employment.
7. Step 7: Click on Pre-fill
8. Step 8: In case DIN of a Director is entered, mobile number available in database shall be Pre-filled.
Note: Where mobile number is not Pre-filled, the field shall be editable and mobile number can be entered by the user.
9. Step 9: Click on 'Send OTP' button. OTP shall be sent to the mobile number entered.
10. Step 10: Enter OTP received on the mobile number and click on 'Verify OTP' button
11. Step 11: Once OTP is verified, success message shall be displayed.
12. Step 12: Click on 'Submit' button to submit the form.
Note: Companies/LLPs are advised to use the service w.e.f 23rd March 2020 in a staggered manner to avoid the load on the system.
Key Features
• It is a simple web form deployed on 23.03.2020 with minimum fields and can be filed from anywhere.
• No Payment of Fee
• No DSC
• Available as a 'Post-login' service for both 'Registered' as well 'Business User'
• Applicable for all Indian companies/ Foreign companies/ LLPs/ Foreign LLPs
• Any one of the current Authorized Signatories of the Company/LLP can submit the form online
• Only OTP verification
• No SRN is generated
• System based acknowledgment shall be sent to:
- Email ID of the respective Company/Foreign Company/ LLP or Foreign LLP
- Email ID of the Authorized Signatory who is providing the affirmation
- Email ID of the FO user who is submitting the affirmation
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