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LCI’S EYE: "IPO regulations balance transparency, trust, and corporate growth."


Indian fertilizer major Indofarm's recent Initial Public Offering (IPO) has highlighted the web of statutes governing IPOs in India. The country has several statutes mandating transparency, accountability, and investor protection of IPOs. The process is commissioned by key stakeholders-the issuers, stock exchanges, investors, promoters, and directors-all bound to stringent requirements of law.

Issuing Company

According to the Companies Act, an issuing company must seek consent from its board and shareholder regarding launching an IPO. Under the SEBI Regulations, 2018, it issues a prospectus explaining possible risks, financial conditions, and business objectives. After listing an obligation, the LODR, 2015 deals with post-IPO obligations such as timely disclosure of finance and corporate governance standards.

Stock Exchanges

Stock exchanges are the gatekeepers under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act. They check on listing norms: eligibility criteria, financial health. The exchange further checks the post-listing activities to maintain transparency and investor confidence.

Buyers and Sellers-Investors

The SEBI Regulations regarding insider trading practices, ensure fair trading by prohibiting trades on the basis of non-public information. Investors rely on the prospectus mandated by SEBI for informed decision-making. After listing, buyers and sellers must follow trading norms and regulatory guidelines.

Promoters and Directors

Lock-in provisions are also followed by promoters and directors under the SEBI Regulations, 2018. Potential conflicts of interest are also disclosed by them. The market's trust lies in their accountability and rigorous checks and balances during the entire IPO process.

Indofarm's IPO is an example of the synergy of regulations aimed at fostering investor trust and market transparency.

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