NEW DELHI: After the Delhi High Court's historic judgment decriminalising homosexuality, can gays across India express their sexuality in private
anywhere in the country, or confine it to the territorial limits of the national capital?
Or, as put in legal parlance, would the Delhi High Court's ruling have an all-India effect?
The Supreme Court in the last five years has come out with three judgments on the issue — the jurisdiction of the HCs and the territorial limits within which their rulings could hold force.
The first one by a three-judge Bench, authored by Justice S B Sinha, on April 28, 2004 (Kusum Ingots & Alloys Ltd Vs Union of India), held: "An order passed (by an HC) on a writ petition questioning the constitutionality of a parliamentary Act whether interim or final keeping in view the provisions contained in clause (2) of Article 226, will have effect throughout the territory of India subject of course to the applicability of the Act."
Three years after delivering this judgment, Justice Sinha, heading a two-judge Bench, on May 18, 2007 (Ambica Industries Vs Commissioner, Central Excise), said: "The decision of the high court shall be binding only on the authorities which are within its jurisdiction."
On similar lines, the third judgment came on September 26 last year from a Bench headed by Justice C K Thakker (Durgesh Sharma Vs Jayshree). The Bench said: "So far as a high court is concerned, its jurisdiction is limited to territory within which it exercises jurisdiction and not beyond it."
"The jurisdiction of a high court has territorial limitations. The writs issued by a high court cannot run beyond the territory subject to its jurisdiction and the person or authority whom the HC is empowered to issue such writs must be within those territories which clearly implies that they must be amenable to its jurisdiction," the SC had clarified.
So, the decriminalisation of homosexuality issue may have to await a ruling from the Supreme Court to clear the jurisdictional confusion over the applicability of the Delhi High Court judgment.
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