Additional Consumer District Forum at Thane recently awarded a compensation of Rs. 3 lacs to a complainant whose daughter is alleged to have expired after a Intra Muscular injection was administered by the Doctor.
The Complainants case was that after IM injection was administered abscess developed on her injection site. Thereafter whe was admitted to a private hospital where Incision and drainage was done. The private hosital diagonised Cellulitis whereupon the patient was shifted to Sion Hospital Mumbai where she was administered general anesthesia and operated upon after which within 24 hours she expired. The Complainant relied upon the post mortem report which opined that the death was due to "Septecimia following the administration of intramuscular injection administered by a private medical practicioner".
The advocate for the openant doctor argued that the death had taken place after 5 days of the administration of IM injection and that the death could be on account of Cellulitis developed in the private hospital or on account of Sepetceima contracted in Sion Hospital. The advocate also argued since the death had taken place in an hospital after surgery under general anesthesia the death could be on account of overdose of drugs or anesthesia. The advocate argued that the post mortem doctor did not rule out toxicity by conducting a viscera anaylsis and therefore his opinion based on history furnished to him ought to be rejected.
However the arguement did not find merit with the District forum which awarded a compensation of Rs. 3 lacs against the doctor.
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