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corporate law

Requirements for proving 'inability to present the case' - Enforcement of foreign awards

In India law relating to enforcement of a Foreign award is quite well settled but still many Indian parties, don’t want to miss the opportunity to resist enforcement of a foreign award against them. India’s procedural law is Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996 as amended with effect from 23rd October 2015. The said law is enacted in line with the UNCITRA..

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Impaired Asset & problems for small time borrowers

After demonetization and bringing in Benami properties Act, the value of real assets have fallen down sharply. This has worried the Banks as they had granted loans based on the value of the assets.  Such assets have been termed as Impaired assets.   If an impaired asset is a company's balance sheet that has a market p..

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Venue of International Arbitration can be the Seat Also - SC of India

It is well settled in law that if parties choose a seat in an international Arbitration clause it will amount to choosing the procedural law applicable to the arbitration proceedings. In the same way, if the procedural law is specified in the Arbitration clause then the country to which the procedural law belongs to will be the seat of Arbitration. When parties spec..

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Why NPA who is the root cause?

Non performing assets (NPA) who is at the root? NPA affects: A comment I wrote on 'ET on Bankruptcy issues blog' on 25th June 2017: (RBI can help is the question? p style="margin-leftt: 72pt; text-align: justify;..

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Appointment of KMPs u/s 203 of the Companies Act 2013 - Issues

Introduction The Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “The Act”) has ushered in a number of innovative changes as compared to its predecessor Act and one such novel feature relates to the mandatory   appointment    of “key Managerial Personnel”(KMPs) in th..

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Online single window launched for ease of doing business in Chandigarh

Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, the Governor of Punjab and Administrator, U.T., Chandigarh has launched an Online Single Window System for ease of doing business in Chandigarh. Investors can take online permissions and approvals in a time bound schedule from related departments like Estate Office, Labour Department, Chandigarh Municipal Co..

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Abolition of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) w.e.f 5th June 17

Central Government in continuation of its endeavors to promote Ease of Doing Business in India has passed proposal for abolishing the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and allowing concerned Administrative Ministries/Departments to process applications for FDI requiring government approval. Reduction of formalities and time gap in getting government approval..

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Procedure of right issue of shares

Meaning of Right Share of Issue: Right Issue means offering shares to existing members in proportion to their existing shareholding through letter of offer. A rights issue is directly offered to all existing shareholders of the Company in proportion to their current holding. The comp..

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Liability of Directors under Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

It is generally known that the directors are vicariously liable for the act of the company, as the company is an artificial person and shall act on behalf of its directors only. However, in this regard section 141 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 is worth noting..

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Comparison between liability of a director and liability of a partner


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SPICe - Simplified proforma for incorporating company electronically

Ministry of corporate affairs came up with the new concept that incorporation of a new company within one day. It is simplified procedure (SINGLE WINDOW FORM) to incorporate new company with Name reservation, DIN, PAN, TAN & CIN. In global scenario Now, It is easy way to startup business within single day. Ministry of Corporate..

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Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 - Decoded

Effective date: The Code has come into effect in phases from 05.08.2016 to 15.12.2016. Some provisions are yet to come into effect. The Insolvency & Bank..

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5 smart legal decisions for a start-up

Today the number of startup concerns are quite increasing. The percentage of legal challenges faced by a start-up is also proportionately increasing. Start-ups focus more on building their business and brand. Unfortunately, they ignore the legal component of setting up of a business and building the same. There are few legal aspects which every start-up must con..

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Changing Facet of Law relating to Liability of Bankers

Origin of Bank The word bank is said to be a germanic origin, cognate with the French word banque and the italian word, banca, both meaning bench. In the Roman Age, state owned banks not functioning, but there were private banks which were duly regulated by the government. In the Smriti period which followed the ..

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Compliance helps achieve cost saving in business

Compliance is a word that is resonating in the corporate world in recent times, more so after the debacle of an instant noodles brand last year. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) banned them for higher lead and MSG content. The resulting aftermath of distrust and feeling of betrayal amongst the customers shrunk the instant noodle industry..

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