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property law

NRI's Power of Attorney to sell property in India

There might be numerous occasions in an individual's life wherein he may be required to manage assets, properties, financial balances, and so forth, however, under certain circumstances, he may not be in the right condition to fittingly execute his/her obligations because of unanticipated conditions like being sick, being abroad (in the event of an NRI) or the i..

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Telangana state Dharani portal to serve all land matters

Telangana Dharani portal to serve all land matters including mutation and registration. Dharani portal will serve as a one-stop solution for each and every matter related to land properties putting an end to massive corruption in the department and innumerable land disputes As envisioned..

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Contract Farming & the new ordinances that affect the Farmers

Contract farming is a procedure where agricultural production is being carried out based on the agreement between the buyer and the farm producers. The scenario in India The concept of contract farming is not new to India. Under the model APMC act, 2003 contract farming was legalized and..

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Telangana State - bPass Scheme

The State government has decided to put in place an effective mechanism to enable instant permission and registration of buildings avoiding hassles to land owners or property developers. The decision comes in view of the plight of the common man, wishing to build a house for himself, being harassed by the time consuming process..

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Hindu Succession Act

Question of Law Whether excluding daughter from the entitlement in HUF is valid? Whether unmarried daughter and married daughter have different titles in HUF? Whether the married daughter loses her privileges after marriage? li sty..

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Rights of Illegitimate Children of Hindu parents

Old Law There was no any bar to a Hindu to marry number of wives till 1956 Hindu marriage act. After the 1956 Hindu marriage act came into force, the second marriages became void and therefore children born out of such marriages are called illegitimate. Till 1956 all the children born to all wives were coparceners and had equal rights. Law aft..

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Whose color is it Anyway: Saga of coloring Government buildings in Party colours

The Honourable High Court of Andhra Pradesh, on 22/05/2020, has struck down G.O. 623 issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, to paint government buildings including and not limited to water tanks in green , white, Blue and terracotta. The Hon’ble High Court while quashing the G.O has sought an explanation as to why contempt proceedings shouldn’t be i..

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Land Acquisition Act 2013 Section 24 - Capsule of Law laid down by the 5 Judge Constitution Bench of Supreme Court

Section 24 LAA 2013 - POINTS DECIDED IN IDA 2020 Friends request to read slowly & carefully - refer to the Judgment - This is capsule - typo-e&oe: 1. IDA 2018 - To the extent of the non-consideration of the effect of AND, IDA2018 cannot prevail. For the ..

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Procedure for the execution of power of attorney

Power of Attorney is most widely used document in property transactions. This is because many acts, transactions have to be carried out simultaneously and the same persons cannot be present at different place at the same time. Moreover, timing is very important in property transactions. Power of Attorney in simple terms means a person authorizing anothe..

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Does RERA abuse the Use of Indemnities? Is Your Life-Long Earning in Safe Hands?

Use Abuse of Indemnities, 3rd Party Rights, Offence and RERA. 1. For context it is necessary to quote few sections of Indian Contract Act as under- 124. A contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss caused to him by the conduct of the promisor himself,..

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Legal Procedure To Follow In Case The Tenant Refuses To Evict Even After Receiving a Notice By Landlord

After issuing an eviction notice and expiration of the waiting period the 'right to occupancy is terminated'. In India, unfortunately, in many cases, the landlords are harassed by stubborn tenants and their resistance to all overtures. So what does the landlord do now? 1. Do not take the l..

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What is a Lease Deed?

Transfer of property as defined under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is the act of conveying property by one person to one or more living persons. A property can be transferred in the form of sale, lease, mortgage, gift, and exchange. A lease of immovable property is the transfer of a right to enjoy such property for a certain period. The person w..

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Nature of the property under S.6 and 8 of HSA after the demise of the holder!

The conflicting decisions In Uttam v. Saubhag Singh[1] (“Uttam case”), the Supreme Court held that upon demise of propositus ancestral property held by him and the other coparceners ceases to be joint family property. Recently, in Doddamuniyappa v. Muniswamy[2] (“Dodda..

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Land acquisition by government: Fair compensation and rehabilitation under new enactment

Introduction When the subject of fair compensation arises, there has always been a debate as to whether the compensation given by government for acquisition of land from private individual is sufficient or not. Since Independence, there have been many instances where the government has acquired any land from privat..

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Section 8 of the Hindu Succession Act: Analysis

The Bare reading of Section 8 is Section 8. General rules of succession in the case of males. - The property of a male Hindu dying intestate shall devolve according to the provisions of this chapter: - (a) Firstly, upon the heirs, being the relative specified in class I of the schedule./p..

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