Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) in terms of power conferred under SEBI Act, 1992 notified Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘Listing Regulations 2015’) on 2nd September, 2015, whereby it tries to align the present Listing Agreement with the Companies Ac..
The Draftsman's Error in the Arbitration and Conciliation Ordinance 2015. There appears to be the draftsman's error in the numbering of the Sub-Section 2 and 3 of the Section 19 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Ordinance, 2015 (Section 36 of the A ..
IN-PRINCIPLE APPROVAL OF RECOGNIZED STOCK EXCHANGE(s). The listed entity, BEFORE ISSUING [1] SECURITIES, shall obtain an ‘in-principle’ approval from Recognized stock exchange(s) in the following manner: Non Applicability/stro..
Presently, a private agreement between Stock Exchange and listed company govern all listing obligation and disclosure requirement. This listing agreement like any other agreement among parties creates civil obligation in case of any violation of the agreement. ..
A CRITICAL ANALYSIS Compoundable offences: Section 3(38) of General Clauses Act 1897 defines ‘offence’ as ‘any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force&rsqu..
Meaning & Definition: The term 'Boilerplate' refers to the standard form of langauage in contracts. These are typical clauses that are contained in the latter part of the contractual agreement because they help in the enforcement of the agreements. Not all the boilerplate clauses..
Booking seats on trains or buses is likely to be difficult. Engaging a private taxi is expensive. For city travel, there are several taxi aggregators like Ola, Uber and Meru to depend on. For long-distance travel, there were a few options till one carpooling service which had been making waves in the country the BlaBlaCar stepped in. Ever since that the int..
In the administration of the corporate affairs, the prevention of oppression and mismanagement is a very important matter. In many petitions relating to Section 397/398 under Companies Act, 1956 the Opposite Party raise the plea of arbitration agreement between the parties. Section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 mandates that any party to a legal ..
Today is the day of joint ventures and corporate marriages. Different corporate bodies enter into agreement to form a special purpose vehicle for undertaking different projects. In such situation, one of the basic requirements is a Shareholding Agreement (SHA) among the partners incorporating the entities. In any typical SHA, one of the terms is the condition as ..
ABSTRACT: With liberalization launched in India, it was natural that legal services would also be thrown open to foreign firms like in investment sector and other areas. There is great potential in India for growth or organized legal services firms partic..
Appointment of Independent Directors under the Companies Act, 2013 – Can it be through Board Process or through General Meeting - Some grey areas visited. Introduction p style="text-ali..
DEFINITION: As per section 2(34) of Companies Act,2013 director means a director appointed to the Board of a company. ROLE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR: p ..
Introduction It is an admitted fact that small and marginal companies have been up in armsfrom the time the Companies Act,2013 (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) was unleashed in the year 2013 partiallyto substitute what was considered as an antiquate..
The Ministry of Corporate Affair (MCA) has approved vide circular Dated 10th April, 2015, Secretarial Standards (SS) on Board and General Meetings which was been notified in official Gazette on 23rd April, 2015. Secretarial standards are applicable on Companies from 1st July, 2015. p style="text-align: ju..
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