The legal contract between a bride and bridegroom as part of an Islamic marriage; the contract of Islamic marriage; Islamic marriage in general. p style="font-family: arial, verdana; text-decoration: none; font-size..
INTRODUCTION In every system of law provision has to be made for a readjustment of things or goods o..
A NEW report issued by a state panel formed to investigate New York's juvenile detention centers has found that they "fail to keep their young people safe and secure, let alone meet their myriad service and treatment needs," and that "youth are subjected to shocking violence and abuse." This news, which comes on the heels of a federal study that ..
Earlier our India was known to our culture, tradition and its social values but today it seems everyone's ego is taking high value in society with the growing money in everyone's pocket. Earlier people were thinking a marriage as sacred relation but now a days it seems like a Cloth Shop. When you find it not fit with time, you think of it changing now. The increased status with money increasing fa..
Sixteen years after the idea was first mooted, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 has finally been notified, after receiving the assent of the President of India. Article 21-A, as inserted by the Constitution (Eighty-Sixth Amendment) Act, 2002, provides for free and compulsory education of allchildren in the age group of six ..
“I am the parliamentary draftsman span style="font-size: 12pt;..
Goal-setting will make a difference in how you experience the second half of life. One of the characteristics of being in the second half of life is having an inner desire to be who we are capable of being. The inner struggle is the nagging question: what now? One of the exciting aspects of getting older is that we are more open to looking at ourselves and more tole..
What is it? Emotional child abuse is maltreatment which results in impaired psychological growth and development. It involves words, actions, and indifference. 2 Abusers constantly reject, ignore, belittle, dominate, and criticize the victims.1,3 This form of abuse may occur with or without physical abuse, but there is often an overlap. 4 ..
AUTTI, Mervi M.Soc.Sc. University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland Cultural history and Women’s Studies THE MISSES AUTTI´S 1920s : A Gaze at the Northern Modern through Photography My doctoral theses explores the resources on the margins of society that the two photographer sisters, Lyyli ..
PDF Print E-mail Muslim Law could be seen as an admirable system of jurisprudence providing, as it did, many rational and revolutionary concepts that could not be conceived by the other systems of law then in force at that distant date. It provided, for e..
All we would like to have a happy relationship with our partner, but life sometimes does not agree. I am a middle-aged person, and I had some relationships that had not a happy end.Sometimes it depends on you, sometimes it depends on your partner but the result does not change and a separation is the only way to go on, especially if you are married. In case of marri..
How can you get a divorce? By filling in a form called a “petition” and taking it to any divorce county court or to the Principal Registry in London. This leaflet gives you a list of all divorce county courts. The addresses and telephone numbers of all divorce county courts are listed in the telephone directory under Courts...
ADULTARY IN INDIA—PRESENT SENARIO- IPC 497 Adultery means voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person other than with spouse. The legal definition of adultery however varies from country to country..
The divorce by wife can be categorized under three categories: (i) Talaaq-i-tafweez (ii) Lian (iii) By Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939. Talaaq-i-tafw..
Khula and Mubarat They are two forms of divorce by mutual consent but in either of them, the wife has to part with her dower or a part of some other property. A verse in the Holy Quran runs as: “And it not lawful for you that ye take from women out of that wh..
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