The Finance (No. 2) Act, 2009, has withdrawn the levy of Fringe Benefit Tax (“FBT”) on expenditure incurred by an employer on or after 1 April 2009. Consequently, by an employee benefits which were subject to FBT have been brought back within the ambit of perquisites and taxable in the hands of employees from the financial year (“F.Y.”) 2009-..
After amendment to the constitution by inserting Article 366(29A) providing definition of the term “taxes on sale or purchase of goods” to include deemed sales, States were empowered to levy tax on sale or purchase of goods involved in execution of works contracts. However, the power of States to levy tax on deemed sales including works contr..
The chairman of the parliamentary standing committee on fisheries and livestock has taken exception to fishermen using children for deep-sea fishing which is a highly hazardous job. Apparent..
Chennai: Can a mere expression of regret by employees be construed as admission of guilt and the worker concerned be dismissed from service? No, the Madras high court has ruled. Justice KK Sasidharan, directing the reinstatement of three industrial workers dismissed from service 17 years ago, said: “Admission (of guilt), to be used against the..
AFTER presiding over a regressive campaign that successfully persuaded the Rudd government to wind back 25 years of workplace reform, ACTU president Sharan Burrow is now seeking to be an activist on the world stage. Ms Burrow will stand for election as general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation in Brussels, headquarters of the European Union an..
Disciplinary procedures: easy when you know what you're doing, but a costly & bureaucratic nightmare when you don't tick all the right boxes during the process. Getting a clear set of disciplinary rules in place for your organisation isn't difficult, and then following these when the need to go through a disciplinary process arises can save a lot of trouble in t..
Title: Labour Laws are being defeated in India. Structure, objects and Aims to set up and codified Labour Laws in India is now at the edge of its failure. The left parties who had been introducing themselves as Watchdogs for labourers are now become habitual of enjoying chair in politics and have forget their so called aim of welfare of labour class. India is going sharpl..
The law relating to labour and employment in India is primarily known under the broad category of "Industrial Law". Industrial law in this country is of recent vintage and has developed in respect to the vastly increased awakening of the workers of their rights, particularly after the advent of Independence. Industrial relations embrace a complex of relati..
CONTRACT LABOUR IN INDIA div style="margin: 0cm 18pt 0pt -4..
Dear friends, Months before, someone had posted a query about validity of certificates or degrees conferred by Hindi Sahitya Sa..
The history of labour legislation in India is naturally interwoven with the history of British colonialism. Considerations of British political economy were naturally paramount in shaping some of these early laws. In the beginning it was difficult to get enough regular Indian workers to run British establishments and hence laws for indenturing workers became necessary. This was obviously labour..
There are almost ten major central union organisations of workers based on different political ideologies. Almost every union is affiliated to one of these. These central organisations have state branches, committees, and councils fr..
A permanent worker can be removed from service only for proven misconduct or for habitual absence – due to ill health, alcoholism and the like, or on attaining retirement age. In other words the doctrine of ‘hire and fire’ is not approved within the existing legal framework. In ..
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