I am back. Sorry, had gone to fight my own case and progress it further.
The Final Report doesn't decide whether the complaint was false or true. Most of the cases they do not do ANY INVESTIGATION at all, except some statements. In my case my neighbors' statements were changed to be made against us by the Investigating Officer himself because we didnt' agree to give money or do 'amicable settlement' (read 'extortion'). I am assuming whoever has filed a case for dowry, based on the statistics except 2% all of them are false. I cannot believe that where both husband and wife are highly educated, one will do 'dowry harassment' and other will quietly face it for long time.
@Sandeep Naik,
Thanks for your support. It is already HEAVILY misused. Only 2% are true cases from the statistics.
It might be difficult, but I'll try. I just need legal advice or work arounds on how to do it, I will handle the technicality and infrastructure. Have already booked the domain.
So no one is surely telling me a way to upload a picture. Can't I upload a picture of my current or previous wife on a site without legally being in trouble? There has to be SOME way? (Like host on some other website and just give a link there?)