I am the new Secretary.
The old secretary had
1. Resigned without properly following the Bye laws.
2. Transferred his flat by gift in a Managing Commitee Minutes
(only signed by him and no signatures of any other office bearers and of the people who are written in the minutes to be present. ( One of them was in ICU on that day from Dengue).. and other member denying knowledge of the same.)
3. Got a duplicate share issued after the transfer.- which was laminated.The orignal has both the signatures of the father and that of his daughter. Again procedure has not been followed.
4.Now the daughter is asking the society for a NOC for taking new Loan.
As a new secretary, i have refused to sign any document and have asked the old managing commitee to sign, as the matter is 10 months old. The Managing committee has agreed. Meanwhile we are asking the member to give a Indeminity bond, indeminifying the society and its members from any wrong doing or lack of procedural correctness as per byelaws !
My quesiton is : Is this acceptable procedure to ensure the safety of the society and its members.