m Deval here. I m Pursuing my cs final right now.. I want to know if any law course from uk would be valid in India or not??
deval (article trainee) 29 October 2009
m Deval here. I m Pursuing my cs final right now.. I want to know if any law course from uk would be valid in India or not??
Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh) 29 October 2009
The law degree obtained from UK is valid in India also but practical problem is that Indian law is not taught there and it shall have no pratical use here except a degree.
moneywise, law degree from UK will definitely have more weightage than Indian LLB. sad but true. However, u must know that its not the guarantee of employment. By sutdying in UK, you are essentially carving a niche for yourself in India since you would be deemed expensive and overqualified by most of the law firms. That leaves only the big law firms and corporate houses. THerefore, an ideal thing to do is to get an LLB here and do LLM there. LLM degrees from UK are preferred by top 5 law firms and by foreign law firms with offices in India. Again, jsut getting a degree is not enough. They have better recruitment procedures which means its not just the gift of gab or some knowledge about law but tangible evidence that you are an expert in your stated field.
deval (article trainee) 02 November 2009
thnx a ton tushar... but as in ma case, wanna do law just for de sake of getin knowledge..
deval (article trainee) 02 November 2009
thnx agn.. m doin my cs, ca and cwa as of now.. so den planning 2 do my llb..
Abhinav (Associate) 31 December 2010