Dear Sir,
I am married to my wife for 12.5 years.
about 1 year after our marriage or financial position went down (as we incurred loss in business) and we had to sell our house(bunglow) and I also had to go for job in other city.
My wife started quaralling with me and my mother.for no reason or very trival matters.
Then my wife gave birth to our son, but within 4-5 months my father-in-law took my wife to his place after our quarral.
After having meeting with some social leaders and elders of our caste she again returned to our home, but kept on quaralling.
She was jelous of my familys social status and also she was jelous of good name of my sister in her in-laws as a good daughter-in-law.
she always considered my sister and my mother as her enemy
She always use very abussive and down grade langauge for them.
After some 1 year we got in contact with a social worker(female) who also a counceller at family court.
They tried to convince her that my parents are not her enemy but she was not ready to understand.
3 years after that my parents told me that I should leave seprately with my wife and children as my wife can not adjust with any of my family members
But after that also our quarral did not end.
She used to say that she had married me after seeing our bunglow(which we had sold) and now she is roaming on rent and quaralled on such reasons or used to talk about past that my mother had said this or that (My wife is very fluent liar).
Her abussive and down grade langauge made me very angry had I have taken my hand on her.
My father purchased a house for me 1st so that she stops saying she lives on rent.
But she always has a reason to fight with me, such as when I say somting about cleaniness in house, behaviour with children or she should not speak bad words to children
Now she is not allowing my children to meet my parents.
She also fights with me even if my parents or by brother come in our building compound.
When we quarral she does not even cook food for me.
If have to call my parents I should go out of my house and talk to them
Meanwhile her sister and other relatives, and councellers of family court also tell her to behave properly but of no use.
She always threatnes me taht she will file a case against me and then put me and my family in jail.
When I tell her that if you cannot live with me then we should get divorced, then she asked for a flat, 50lacs and also monthly maintainance. She is uneducated and does not understand the law as as told by councellers of family courts.
She knows her rights but not her duties.
Can I claim divorce for harrassment/ or do I have any legel remedy