1. Instruct your Advocate to write pleadings as per your best knowledge of your husband’s last salary / income. You will then discover how best pleading are mentioned by petitioner writers' and this way would take away half of your worries on trying to chase missing husband and dreaming of a present of his till date income details when you are challenging him in court of law, no spouse does that so easily J
2. Let your husband defend whether pleadings of yours as alleged are quoted high or he may remain quite if quoted less and/or as the arguments then takes place. Donot worry ld. Court also does its own guess work.
3. One can also send legal Notice to spouse last known company to not destroy income details of one of their ex employee by such and such name and to produce income documents to advocate’s Chamber citing under family law a matrimonial case is pending in such and such court bearing such and such case number and is scheduled for next hearing on such and such date and also mention in such Notice least they are called as your witness in Court with complete file of one of their ex employee? HR people do comply to such legal Notice without need to visit Court and thus most of the spouse fishing trips is satisfied.
4. A ld. brother should be trained well in guess work otherwise go for fishing, if a spouse has to bring all evidences to his Chamber then what for a ld. brother is pitching pleadings is my short comment to this brief!
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